Ch. 8- I'll Be Missing You

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-Puff Daddy ft Faith Evans

December 27, 2007 (10 years old; fifth grade; Nico)

Nico was playing video games in his room. Christmas had passed and he'd enjoyed opening presents with Percy and Bianca. It was so much better now that Smelly Gabe was gone. Percy was happy now. And so was Sally. Papa had helped rid the house of any reminder of that tyrant- a word Nico quite enjoyed to use- so Percy and Sally could return happily.

His door opened and Bianca sauntered in and sprawled herself on his bed, reaching a hand and ruffling his hair. "Hey, Niccolo, how far have you gotten?"

Nico ducked and shook his head. "Bianca, stop it. I'm on level seven." He continued to play and Bianca watched. Nico was waiting for it. He knew it would come at some point, but he didn't know when. He was tense. He could hear Bianca clacking away on her phone. She'd gotten one for Christmas. "Who are you texting?"

"Zoe and Diana. We want to go to the mall, but I have to see if Papa will let me."

"How old is Diana?"

"Like nineteen, but she likes to take me and Zoe out places. She doesn't treat us like we're little kids like Papa does."

Nico frowned, knowing she couldn't see him. "Well, why does she always take you guys instead of getting a boyfriend if she's so old?"

Bianca scoffed, "Because she thinks boys are a waste of time. She's never had a boyfriend, and she doesn't want one. She has a good point too."

Nico rolled his eyes. "Bianca, I'm ten and even I know that's a bit dramatic for you to say. You're only twelve."

"Whatever, I'm not planning on having a boyfriend. You can do that instead." There it was.

Nico winced. "Stop," he said halfheartedly. He heard Bianca move to reposition herself.

"Nico, pause the game for a bit." Nico stopped playing, but didn't pause. "Nico." He clenched his teeth as knots formed in his stomach and his limbs got filled with jelly. He turned to see Bianca sitting cross-legged on his bed. "Come here," she said. Her voice was kind, which made Nico more nervous.

He paused the game and climbed onto his bed, sitting across from her. "Yeah?" he said.

"You're nervous," she noted. He shrugged. "Okay, let's be serious for a moment. Do you like Percy?"

"No," he answered.

She hummed. "So... you wouldn't care if... I don't know... maybe... I did?"

Nico felt a weight drop in his stomach and a weird form of sadness. He didn't say anything. He didn't understand why he felt what he felt. He knew it wasn't any form of protectiveness over his sister because at the moment he felt angry with her.

"You do," she smiled. "You do care. Oh, Nico, come on. Don't tell me you don't feel something towards him. And I don't like him by the way. He's too little for me, and he's like a brother."

"Then why did you kiss him that one time?" he asked a little harshly. He shook his head. "He's my friend. My best friend. That's it."

Bianca sighed. "Nico.... I know it was mean. But ever since then, you haven't gotten as mad when I tease you about it. You're just annoyed. I can't help but think maybe I helped you realize something?" Nico just looked at her. "Okay.... You two hold hands, right?"

"When one of us is scared," Nico answered.

"Okay. Nico, you know it's okay right?"

"What is?" he asked.

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