Ch. 40- Time In A Bottle

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~Jim Croce

Okay, so last chapter was supposed to be 2012 as well, and if it pasted twice, I apologize. Anyway, here we go. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please comment and let me know what you think. I love reading your thoughts! 

Also... young Johnny Depp as Nico?!?! Yes??? And Tom Welling as Percy maybe?? I don't know I got excited and started a movie in my head.... ANYWAYS

Happy Readings! ~Ally xoxo

Monday Dec 3, 2012

"Once on a yellow piece of paper with green lines/ he wrote a poem/ and he called it 'Chops'/ because that was the name of his dog/ and that's what it was all about/ and his teacher gave him an A and a gold star," Nico read aloud. Percy closed his eyes rested his head against Nico's shoulder.

The deep, soothing voice washed over Percy making it easy to forget how terrible he felt. He listened to Nico speak, getting softer as he neared the end of the poem. The last few lines were said slowly, giving Percy chills, not only because of the way he read it, but what it said. He shivered and Nico pulled the blankets up to him.

With a sniff, Percy huddled closer to Nico. "That's really sad. But it's really good. Read another for me?"

And Nico did. He kept reading until Percy fell asleep.

Later, he woke up to the sound of an argument downstairs. He got out of bed and shuffled out of the door.

"For crying out loud, Dad, what do you want me to do? He's sick! He's my best friend!"

"I know that, Nico, I'm not saying he can't be. I'm just saying it would do you both good to make more friends."

"We have friends!" Nico shouted. "We sit with them at lunch. Excuse me if I've stopped going to parties, but I thought that's what you wanted."

"I didn't want you holing yourself up with Percy every weekend either!" Percy winced. "You know he likes boys, I don't want you giving him the wrong impression."

Nico laughed coldly. "God, is that what this is about? You don't want your son to turn into a faggot for his best friend?"

"Nico!" Dahlia snapped at the same time that something slammed, causing Percy to jump. "Don't ever use that word again, Nicolas!" Azrael shouted. "Don't you dare use that word around me again!"

There was a tense moment of silence. "Look, I'm going on a date Saturday, okay?"

"What?" Hazel asked. Percy frowned. "With who?"

"You don't know her," Nico mumbled. "She's a junior from choir. Does that make you happy, Dad? Don't worry, your son's still straight!"

"Nico, don't walk away from me!"

Percy hurried back into the room and laid down as though he were still sleeping. Nico shouted back, but it was muffled and then Percy heard footsteps on the stairs. He closed his eyes and heard the door open. Nico was muttering under his breath, shuffling things around his room. Then it was quiet. Percy moved around like he was waking up.

When he sat up, he saw Nico at his desk wearing his glasses and reading a book. Nico glanced up at him and smiled. "Morning, Sleeping Beauty," he said.

How could he so easily pretend everything was okay? "Hey," he answered. His voice was hoarse and he started to cough. Nico grabbed a bottle of water on his desk and gave it to him. Percy sniffed again and pulled the covers over his head. "What are you reading now?"

Nico closed his book. "Unwind. But I just started it. How are you feeling?" He pressed a cool hand against Percy's forehead.

"I'm alright. How long did I sleep?"

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