Ch. 41- Hero

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~Enrique Iglesias (This song makes me swoon <3)

AN- yes, yes, what a miracle, I'm updating so much. But like I said it's Thanksgiving break, and I have nothing better to do- or at least nothing I'd rather do- than write. Just bear with any typos because I'm uploading as I go, so....

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT  I absolutely adore reading all the comments. Also, I have to thank my friends, Andrew for giving me a character I could use to cause a little spice and Christian for giving me insight to the dyslexic mind as well as helping out with some of the plot when I can't think of anything. 

Okay, I've talked enough, so... Happy Readings! ~Ally xoxo

Friday, December 21, 2012

This was their third date. Nico was frustrated and he just wanted to go home. But he couldn't tell Rosemary that, especially after what she had just said.

"I've known him since I was five," he said tiredly.

"I know, but doesn't it freak you out? Aren't you ever scared he'll make a move?"

"Percy knows his boundaries, and he's not going to try something he shouldn't," Nico responded. "I mean where is this coming from?"

She sighed and placed her delicate chin in her hands. "I don't know. I mean, I'm not a homophobe, like, at all, if that's what you're thinking. It's just... I didn't know he was into guys too, so when I heard that, it sort of got me thinking. Especially since you two are so close."

"What do you think is going to happen? That I'll leave you for him?" A little late for that. She didn't need to know, though.

"Of course not!" she said. "You're not bisexual are you?"

"I can tell you with 100 percent honesty that I am not, Rose," he said. Which was true.

"See? So no problem." She smiled her beauty pageant smile. "I just think you should be careful about how close you get to him, so he won't get any ideas."

Nico groaned and rolled his eyes. "You sound like my dad," he muttered. She gave him a look. "All right, look. Percy is my best friend and I trust him completely. You don't need to worry about it, okay?" She huffed, but she nodded. They walked through the mall, bumping into people from school. He saw Will at Build-A-Bear and waved. Will waved back from behind the register and nodded at Rosemary.

She cooed and tugged on Nico's arm. "Can you get me a bear?" she asked.

He laughed and nodded. As she went in, he checked his phone for the time. The mall would close soon, and he would finally be able to go home. He stepped into the store and went through the routine, letting Rosemary choose a bear, letting her wish into the heart, pumping the fluff machine, helping her pick out a tiny bear outfit, and printing the certificate. Rosemary had a thing for flowers. It fit her name. The bear wore a flower dress and was named Rosebud. Because why not name a stuffed bear after yourself? Nico was just glad she hadn't named it after him.

"Everything go well?" Will asked them.

"Yep," Nico answered. He watched Will pull out the cardboard boxes and place thee bear inside. "A teenager with a Build-A-Bear house," he told Rose teasingly.

"You'd be surprised how many teenaged customers we get here. Stuffed animals are definite go to for a gift." Will shrugged. "How are you spending Christmas break?" he asked Nico.

Nico looked down at the gift cards as his mind drifted to the previous year. But that's not what Will was asking. They'd both lost a sister shortly after Christmas. They both usually fell to a sort of grieving period, and Will was asking if he'd be okay.

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