Ch. 6- Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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-Iz Kamakawiwo'ole

March 12, 2007 (9 years old; Nico) Spring Break

It was spring break of fourth grade. Papa was working, and Nico had been limited to the parent control channels Papa had left. He was dying of boredom and decided to watch it upside down. Bianca was busy being girly in her room, probably on the phone with Zoe and Diana. Nico was bored of his games and he was still trying to get over the book Firegirl.

Percy was knocking on Nico's front door again, interrupting the documentary on yarn making. He got up from his couch and moved to the door, smiling as he was about to say how dreadful it was that Percy interrupted a vital part of his education. When he opened the door, though, he saw Percy's eyes rimmed red and full of tears. His stomach clenched.

"Percy, what's wrong?"

"Is your dad home?" he asked with a shaky voice, messing with his hands. He always did that when he was nervous.

"N-no, he went to work. Why? Percy what is it?"

Percy suddenly gasped and hugged Nico, grasping the smaller boy's shirt. Nico was taken aback and didn't know what to do or say, so he hugged him back. Percy was warm, but he was shaking. Before Nico could say another word, he heard Bianca behind them. "Whoa, what's going on?" The eleven year old stood with a confused expression. Nico pulled away, feeling as though he'd been caught doing something bad. "Percy, are you okay?" Nico took a breath and looked at his friend. "Geez, Nico, let him in. Come on, Percy get in."

Nico stumbled pulling Percy in, and they sat on the couch. Bianca brought a glass of water and Percy took it with shaky hands. Nico helped him steady it, getting a strange glance from Bianca. "Percy, what's the matter?"

Percy took deep breaths and blinked rapidly. "My mom. A-and Gabe. I didn't know what to do, and you guys were the only ones I could think of and I just-"

"What happened to them Percy?" Bianca asked.

"It's what he did to her," Percy said angrily. "He hurt her. And I didn't know what to do, I just came here. He...." Percy looked up at both, of his friends. "He slapped her." Bianca's hand flew to her mouth and Nico froze, feeling angry. Sally was important to him too, and she didn't deserve to be mistreated. "They were a-arguing and suddenly he just slapped her. The sound is like a glass in my ear right now. I saw him as a dad, you know, I mean he said he'd never hurt us, and he did that and I.... He shouldn't hurt her, but I can't have him leave us. I just don't know what to think; I'm scared to go home. Mom told me to go to my room, but I came here. What do I- what do I do?"

Bianca started messing with the small hair on her neck, and Nico leaned back on the couch. "You have to report this," Bianca said with a firm voice. "This is- it's illegal. This is domestic abuse, my teacher told us about it in school."

"Yeah, and who do you think will listen to a nine year old?" Nico asked. "Percy, you have to convince Sally to go and tell the police. Or we should tell Papa. I mean, yes it's only happened this once, but it's not an excuse. Have they been fighting a lot?"

"No! Please don't tell anyone else." Percy bit his lip. "They've been yelling, yeah. I didn't think it'd get this bad. I mean I don't get it. At first, he made us really happy and we were always having fun. It was like we were a real family. Then he just started getting mean and ignoring me and drinking a lot and being gross to my mom. And he'd yell at her, but she wouldn't say anything. This time, she did. And I just-" They heard Papa's car come into the driveway. "I don't want to go home guys," Percy said, suddenly clutching Nico's arm.

"Stay here," Nico said. "Just stay here, spend the night, and if she comes looking for you then you can talk to her, maybe. If she doesn't.... then you can get back to her in the morning."

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