Ch. 46- Apologize

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~One Republic (the one without Timbaland)

Happy Readings! Please comment :D -Ally xoxo

Friday May 10, 2013

Everyone was buzzing with excitement. School was almost over. Just a few weeks more. Percy would be a junior. He couldn't believe it.

"Hey Percy," Allison greeted. "Still not eating?"

"Watch out!" Suddenly Isaac slammed into her. Andrew and Noel- whom Isaac tended to call Menendez- came up a few seconds later stifling laughter. "I told you to watch out," Andrew said.

Allison pushed Isaac away and scowled. "Sorry, having a guy body slam me isn't the first thing I think to watch out for."

"Well it should be," Isaac said. "Percy, are you eating today?" Percy shook his head. "Can I get your food?" Percy shrugged. "Are you okay?"

No. No he was not. It'd been months since he'd talked to Nico, and frankly it was nothing like pretending they'd never met. It wasn't oblivion and nothingness. It was pure torture and agony. "Yeah, I'm good." He smiled halfheartedly. "I'll see you guys later." He stepped away from them and went to his table.

Usually when he sat down with them, they didn't acknowledge him. They knew Percy preferred to stay quiet and listen. But this time it was like they hadn't noticed him at all. Everyone was talking excitedly over each other.

"No way!" Connor said. "Fork it over, Travis, I told you!"

"No! No, this is the second time, man. Are you sure, Silena?"

Silena nodded excitedly. "A friend told me, her friend was in his class."

Rachel sat down and pulled her hair up away from her face. "What's the deal?" she asked the others. "You all look excited."

"Nico's gay!" Silena chirped.

Percy started choking on his spit, causing the others to finally look his way. He couldn't stop coughing until Beckendorf gave him some water. "What did you say?" he asked hoarsely.

"He speaks!" Connor said triumphantly. "So did you know? How long did you know? Why didn't you tell us?"

"What?" Percy asked again.

"Shit, he had no clue," Leo said in shock.

Then Thalia came up to the table. "Is it true?" she asked Percy.

"What?" he asked, getting more anxious and aggravated by the second.

When Annabeth sat down, everyone flocked to her. "You're in his class," Thalia said. "Is it true? Did he really come out in front of everyone?"

"I heard he kissed someone," Travis said.

"No, I heard he dropped his presentation and just blurted it out," Silena refuted. "Annabeth, tell us!"

Annabeth was laughing. Percy was still trying to catch up. "Why don't you ask him?" She nodded at one of the lines.

Nico was walking into the cafeteria, a little nervously. People glanced and whispered, and of course everyone knew what it was about. Percy watched as Will walked up to him warily. Their lips barely moved, but then Will smiled his famous broad smile and engulfed Nico in a hug. It made Percy want to punch him.

Then, as they started for the table they usually sat at, the others called his name. "Nico! Nico wait, come here!" He glanced over awkwardly, looking disheveled and nervous. For a second Percy saw the boy he'd fallen in love with so many years ago.

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