Ch. 27- The Scientist

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Tbh Idk what to say about this chapter except i didn't edit it very well. BEAR WITH ME I'm trying to get to a certain point.

Enjoy - Ally xoxo

June 1, 2012

Nico and Percy hadn't talked since the incident in his yard.

When he'd walked back into the house, Hazel was staring at him in shock.

Her wide gold eyes blinked nervously. "He kissed you?" she asked.

Nico had run out of anger for once. "Don't tell Azrael," he answered. He couldn't bring himself to call the man his father without feeling sick. Then he went to his room and rummaged under his bed. He pulled out a plastic bag with whatever medicine Luke had given him at his house. It always calmed him down. He enjoyed the feeling of calmness. But he only had two left. He saved them and waited the full week until the party. Leo still said he'd go. Nico's nerves were on edge. He felt like he'd burst any second. He was only patient and nice to Hazel, but snapped and grit his teeth at anyone else.

At school, he remained quiet and to himself. He'd seen Percy in class and in the halls. He looked sad and lost and stressed. But Nico couldn't bring himself to care for once. He saw Annabeth too. At first she was flanked by Piper and Thalia. She'd look at Nico with so much hurt, he felt guilty. But he knew she hadn't told the girls the full story, because although they school at Percy, they simply greeted Nico casually.

Halfway through the week, though, Annabeth and Percy were talking. They didn't hold hands or walk together or anything. But Nico saw them exchange small greetings and saw them in the morning, as Annabeth helped Percy with some type of homework.

None of it mattered though. He'd finally made it through the rest of school. In a few hours he'd be a sophomore and freshman year would be put behind him.

After an awkward encounter out of the doors to the school with Percy, Nico managed to weave his way to the Charger waiting in the front. He got in and the car sped off as Nico bit his nails anxiously. He felt deprived.

There was a part of his mind that kept screaming at him to tell someone, to get help, because this was bad. But there was also a defiant part telling him not to care. Azrael was hardly ever around; he had no clue what Nico did. Hazel would never interfere with his actions. Percy was beyond reach. And there was nobody else to turn to. Besides, it wasn't like he was doing heroine or anything like that. This pill simply relaxed him. There was no harm done in that.

It'd been so long since he'd seen Dahlia. She called, but it never really went too far. She was distant and Nico felt odd.

He waited for Hazel at the bus stop. "How was your last day in the West?"

"Sad," she admitted. "I'll miss my friends."

"Well, Reyna and Hylla can come over whenever."

Hazel nodded. "It's not just them," she said softly as they started walking home. "I also have a friend named Frank." Nico raised an eyebrow. "What? He's just my friend. But he's my best friend, and I'll miss him."

Nico smirked slightly. "Well, he's welcome anytime. Best friends can't be split apart."

Hazel gave him a look. "Oh yeah? How's your best friend doing? I mean, you have talked to him right?"

Nico groaned. "Split by force. Percy's another story." Hazel just shook her head. As they got to the house, Nico said, "Hey, Hazel, help me pick out some clothes." Hazel followed him up the stairs to his room.

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