Ch. 62- Never Stop

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~Safetysuit (Wedding Version)

GUESS WHO'S TURNING 18 TOMORROW?????? ME!!!!! I sound more excited than I actually am lol.

Anyway, enjoy this chapter :) Because shit's just gonna get sour from here on out, fair warning. 

July 27th, 2014

As Paul pulled up to Starbucks to drop Percy off, Percy put his phone on silent. "Are you going to want me to pick you up?" his stepdad asked.

"No, Nico will. I mean I still have to go back home to change, but-." He shrugged. Paul simply raised an eyebrow and hummed. "I'll see you later, Dad." Percy smiled and got out of the car.

Tyson hated that Percy had to work. Each time he left, he struggled to pry the nine year old from his leg. But eventually, with some coaxing and the promise of gaming time when Percy got home, he would let his older brother go. Today would be worse since Percy would only be home for about thirty minutes before leaving again.

With the prospect of the challenge Tyson would pose later in mind, Percy walked into the café and inhaled the now familiar scent of coffee beans and pastries. Callie was at the register already and she gave him a kind smile.

When Percy had first told Nico about the kiss, he wasn't sure he'd be able to work with her anymore. Then Nico went and suggested he quit which only made Percy want to stay and prove Nico didn't have anything to worry about. Nico wasn't happy about it, but Percy liked having cash earned on his own to spend not only on himself now and then but on his boyfriend and even his family.

And it had taken Callie a while to be able to look him in the eye or even talk to him again. Now, things were better. Not like before, but definitely better.

The hours ticked by slowly and quickly, depending on the hour. Their busiest hours went by quickly, but the lag in between them seemed to drag on. Percy found himself juggling berries and oranges that they used for their refreshers as Callie cheered him on to fill the hours. When no one was in the café, they began throwing a bag of coffee beans back and forth, coming up a word for each letter of the alphabet related to sex.

It was highly entertaining to see how vulgar such a sweet looking girl could be.

Precisely at the letter "N" for which Callie excitedly exclaimed "Nymphomaniac!" a customer walked in. The bag fell to the floor in a clatter of beans as Callie turned red and they stifled their laughter. Percy took the order while Callie took care of the mess, refusing to show her face until the customer had left.

Finally it was three o'clock and Percy was free. He just had to wait for Nico. He figured he could treat himself to a frappe while he waited. He leaned against the counter, talking to Callie and drinking his coffee.

Suddenly the door opened, and somehow, Percy knew it was him. He looked up and took in Nico in all his brooding, intimidating, monochromatic glory. Despite the heat, he still wore his tattered, faded black jeans, and black Guns N' Roses shirt that had actually been Percy's.

He walked up to the counter and smiled his crooked smile. "Hey did you get my text?"

"Shit. I silenced my phone and forgot," Percy said. "Then I made myself this, so I haven't checked it." He shrugged and looked over at Callie who was putting back a blender, her light brown eyes flickering between Percy and Nico. "Oh, hey, Callie," he called. He waved her over. Nervously, she walked over. "Callie, this is my boyfriend, Nico. Nico this is my friend, Callie."

Percy's eyes flickered to Nico, gauging his reaction. His jaw tensed, but he managed a smile. His eyes became hard, but only Percy could notice. Meanwhile, Callie's cheeks had turned pink. "It's uh, nice to meet you," she stammered.

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