Ch. 2- The Best Days

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-Taylor Swift

August 22, 2002 (5 years old; Percy)

"Mommy, I want to go to the pool!" Percy begged, tugging on his mother's sleeves.

Percy Dylan Jackson was a little five-year old boy with jet black hair and vibrant sea green eyes. He had light skin and was a little tall for his age. He'd very recently turned five and had enjoyed a day at the waterpark an hour away with both his mom, Sally, and his dad, Caspian to celebrate.

He was a happy child in a happy family. He lived in a city called Mezzodor where nothing bad ever happened. Nothing extraordinary ever happened. The days were often uneventful. That's how people liked it. It's what Percy loved. He loved knowing that every day, he would wake up to Mommy making breakfast, and that he'd spend the whole day with her playing games or going to the lake near the house. And in the afternoon, when Percy was back or the games had ended, Daddy would come home, kiss Mommy hello, and then carry Percy onto his shoulders to ask about his day. Then Percy would spend time with him, learning about the ocean or the creatures that inhabit it. Caspian often promised Percy that one day they'd go out to the beach and he'd teach him to surf. Dinner would be eaten together and before he got tucked into bed, Mommy and Daddy would kiss him goodnight and read him a story.

The only change that had recently happened was the fact that Percy was going into kindergarten in the next week and he and Mommy had been shopping for school supplies. But now that his supplies were put away and labelled, he and Mommy were making their way to the lake.

Percy tugged his mom's hand. "Mommy, why is there a truck in that house?" He pointed to a house, two down from theirs. He looked past the large tree of Mrs. Callida's front yard to a dark blue car where a little girl and a very tall man were getting out.

"Don't point, honey." Sally looked and saw a small woman walking to the car. She smiled and waved. The woman waved back. "They must be moving in. Come on now, let's go to the lake. When we get back, we can say hello. Let them get settled."

"What's 'moving in'?"

"It means they got out of one house and now they're going to live in this one. So they have to move everything and bring it here. That's why the big truck was there. It had all their stuff." Percy nodded. Then he started walking ahead of Sally, jumping over the lines on the sidewalk. "Now why are you doing that?" she asked smiling.

Percy kept jumping. "Because- Grover - said- that-" He stopped jumping and looked back. "If you step on a crack then you break your momma's back."

She smiled. "Oh really? Well then let's watch out for those cracks."

Percy took her hand and together they avoided cracks and lines on the sidewalk. Percy knew it wasn't true, and his friend from arts and crafts had been joking, but he liked when Mommy played with him.

He really loved his mom. She was so sweet and gentle. She always smiled. And she always told him she loved him. He couldn't imagine having any other mom except her. She always smelled like cookies and when she smiled she got crinkles beside her eyes. Her hair was a wavy dark brown and she had a soft voice. His mommy was like a princess.

When the sidewalk thinned to a worn dirt trail, he started running, tugging his mom behind him.

Then he let go and jumped into the water, gasping happily as he bobbed back up. Sally watched from a picnic table, smiling. Percy started to let his imagination run wild. In his mind, he was controlling the water and caused it to swirl in a circle around him, taking him higher and higher. Then he really strained to try and move the water. The water rippled and Percy gasped.

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