Ch. 3- We're Going To Be Friends

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-The White Stripes

August 26, 2002 (5 years old; Percy)

Percy was awake before his mom. He'd gotten his clothes on, though his shirt was backwards and Sally had to fix it when she got up. She made him toast with jelly. And as soon as he finished, he was tugging her out of the door to get to Nico's house and walk to school all together.

Sally obliged as Percy heaved his backpack and they walked to Nico's house and knocked.

Maria opened the door and saw Sally standing behind Percy who was dressed in a 'Daddy's Fishing Buddy' shirt and shorts. He carried an oversized blue backpack that seemed to weigh him down. But he was smiling. "Why hello, Percy! Good morning. All ready for school I see."

"Hi, Maria. I'm so sorry. He said he wanted to walk with them to school."

Maria laughed. "It's perfectly fine, Sally. Come on in." Percy raced over to where Nico and Bianca sat. "Are you hungry?"

Percy shook his head. "I ate toast. With jelly. Did you know jelly doesn't come from jellyfish? My daddy taught me that."

Nico looked at his Fruit Loops. "Do you think we'll have the same teacher?"

"Yeah because we're friends. We have to," Percy said. "But not Bianca because she's bigger."

"So how did you get Nico into kindergarten if he's only four?" Sally asked.

"His birthday's soon and he's very smart. Besides Azrael pulled some strings. Azrael," Maria called. "This is Sally Jackson. She lives two doors down. That's Percy."

Percy watched the tall man say hello to his mommy. Then he turned to him and Percy gulped. "That's my Papa," Nico said. "Papa that's my friend Parsie," he introduced through a mouthful of cereal.

"I've heard a lot about you from Nico and Bianca. Ready for school?" Azrael asks.

Percy nodded, a little too afraid to say anything. "We might be in the same class," Nico said. "And Mamma said he could come over after school so I can show him Mythomagic."

Azrael smiled. "That sounds great, Nico. I'm glad you made a friend, my boy." Azrael leaned down to kiss his son's forehead. "I'll see you all later. I have to get to work." He gave Bianca a kiss on the cheek, causing her to giggle because of his scruff. He kissed Maria and said goodbye to Percy's mom, leaving the kids to finish breakfast.

When they were done, they got their things and started walking to school with their moms walking behind them. "Do you think we'll get recess today?" Percy asked.

"No, because it's the first day," Bianca said. "I didn't get recess."

"But that was a school far away," Nico said. "What's recess? The candy?"

"No, my mommy says it's when they let you play outside," Percy said.

Meanwhile, in the back, Sally and Maria were talking. "I don't know what I'm going to do without my baby for so long," Sally says.

"I know what you mean," Maria laughs. "It wasn't too bad when Bianca went to kinder since I had Nico to attend to. Now the house will feel so lonely."

"You can always come over," Sally said. "I wouldn't mind the company."

"Oh, I'd love to, but there's still a lot of unpacking to do. The kids' clothes and a few papers I have to sort through. It'll be a cleaning day. Then it'll be lonely."

Sally smiled. "If you need it, just let me know and I'll lend a hand. I wouldn't mind really."

Maria thanked her and nearly tripped over Nico. "Mamma, that's my school?" Nico asked. "It's... it's so big." He started reaching behind him for her hand and almost broke her heart. "Mamma," he said.

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