Ch. 30- What You're Thinking

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Remember this chapter overlaps slightly with Nico's. The second phone call hasn't happened yet. Please comment through the chapter, I love reading your reactions and thoughts! Also please share <3

Happy readings! ~Ally xoxo

June 9, 2012 (Percy)

After the phone call with Nico that morning, Percy couldn't help but wonder what else had changed with his best friend. Obviously his voice would change eventually. It was expected. But Percy felt it was way too... sudden.

"Hey, earth to Percy!" Rachel snapped. He blinked and focused on the redhead again. "Percy, you're impossible, what's up with you?"

Percy sighed. "I don't know, I'm tired. Annabeth drilled so many equations into my head the other day, and I miss my best friend, and I'm extremely bored."

Rachel glared at him playfully. "Wow, thanks you jerk."

Percy rolled his eyes and smiled. "That's not what I meant. I enjoy hanging out with you. It's routine that I don't like."

Rachel thought for a moment. "Well, we're going to a party tonight, so that's not routine." Percy nodded doubtfully. "What?" Percy shook his head. "You're giving me a heartbroken vibe, Perce."

Percy raised an eyebrow. "Annabeth and I split up on friendly terms. She's my study partner for crying out loud."

Rachel hummed and studied Percy. "How much did you do in that relationship?" Percy lowered an eyebrow. "Like, how far? I mean you seem totally clueless, and I know Annabeth wouldn't be the kind of girl to just let you get to second base."

"Second base?"

Rachel's eyes widened. "Holy shit," she muttered. "Thank God I'm taking you to a party. You need experience. And you need to get rid of this puppy love heartbreak look." She stood from the porch. "Pick me up at 8, and dress up." She winked at him and bounded down the driveway and down the sidewalk.

Percy shook his head and went back inside. He decided to google second base on his phone. When he saw the results, he felt a wave of heat run through his body and hastily shut off the screen. Oh man, he thought, what am I doing?

When Paul saw him, red faced and disoriented, he asked what was wrong. Percy could only mumble, "Nothing." Then he scrunched his eyebrows together. "What are you doing here?"

"Taking your mom out to dinner. Would you like to come?" Percy grimaced and walked away.

After spending half an hour on his phone, his mom called. "Percy, Annabeth's here!"

"Coming!" he grabbed his prep book and pencil. He greeted Annabeth with a hug and they both sat down to work on a few problems. Surprisingly, working on prep questions, especially the reading ones, helped Percy's dyslexia.

Sure the words still moved, but he found he could manage through more than usual and could actually answer a couple of them right.

"I got B," Annabeth said.

"Gimme a minute," Percy said. He worked through it and frowned. "Why'd I get a negative?"

Annabeth looked over at his work. She, like Nico, could read his chicken scratch without a problem. "Because you divided by 1, not negative one. Dividing it by a negative makes it a positive."

Percy cursed. He felt something hit the back of his head. "Language, Percy."

He looked to see Mom with her hair down in soft waves and sparkly blue dress. "Mom, whoa."

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