Ch. 29- Monster

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-Imagine Dragons

This chapter slightly overlaps with the next. I'm going through and adding artist's names to all the chapters so you know what song it is. Please enjoy these chapters; they're the last before sophomore year! 

~Allyxoxo (please comment throughout and share!! Love you guys so much. I try to thank all of you, but wattpad says they're "not personalized enough." Just know I read every single comment

June 4, 2012 (Italy is 7 hours ahead)

Nico landed back in Italy and made his way around him large house, showing wide-eyed Hazel around. "This is another living room. We have a lot of extra rooms, feel free to choose any of them."

Hazel couldn't focus on a single thing. Her eyes darted around each part of the house taking in every single detail she could. Never in her life had she been surrounded by so much wealth. "This is incredible."

Nico smiled. Lately, Hazel was the only reason he ever did. At least with complete sincerity. "Come on. You should meet the Tanakas."

He escorted Hazel back to the main room where Azrael was serving the Tanaka family some iced tea. "Oh who is this?" Alessandro questioned.

"Hazel. Nice to meet you," she answered with a small head bow.

"This is my daughter," Azrael said.

The shock on the Tanaka's faces was obvious. But they recovered quickly. "My, my. Well, what a pleasure to meet you!" answered Elena.

"Ciao, Nico," Drew greeted. "Hazel. How was your school year?"

Hazel and Nico shared a look. "Crazy," Nico answered. "Hey, I'm finally taller than you!"

"Yes, finally hit your growth spurt. How about a shopping spree?" she asked excitedly. "We can show Hazel around and get you a haircut!"

Nico winced. "Uh-uh. Not today. I have jet lag."

"Fine, tomorrow. What do you say, Hazel?"

Hazel was practically glowing. "Oh, I'd love to!"

"Okay, can we get out of this room? I can't stand to look at him."

Drew gave him a confused look, but didn't push the subject. They left the room and went into one of the living rooms to catch up.

"So how was your school year?" Drew asked.

Nico glanced at Hazel. "Pretty crazy. I went to my first party and it sucked. I went to another one, and it sucked. Hazel came up, and I now hate Azrael. But Hazel's good."

"And I moved from my mother's to Nico's so that was pretty weird," Hazel said. "You know what I've noticed, Nico?" Nico hummed. "You fought with Percy a lot this school year."

Nico looked away. He shrugged in mock indifference. "I mean we're teenaged boys, what are we supposed to do. We're not 7 anymore."

"Percy?" Drew asked.

"Yeah, his best friend. They got in this huge fight because he kiss-"

"Hazel!" Nico shouted suddenly.

Hazel reddened and looked away. "Sorry."

Drew stared with an open mouth. "Wait, what? Who kissed who? What! Come on you can't give out a piece of information like that and drop it! Spill," she insisted. She'd perched herself on the edge of her seat and leaned forward excitedly.

Nico's brows furrowed. This was strange. She didn't seem disgusted or shocked. She was... excited. Nico wasn't too sure where he should start. He wanted to tell her about Will, just to get an opinion, but Hazel didn't know about that either. He decided to start from the kiss Hazel mentioned.

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