Ch. 15- Thriller

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-Michael Jackson

October 29, 2011 (14 years old; freshman; Nico)

Nico was fourteen now. He was no longer the youngest in his grade, at least by number. Freshman year proved to be a better experience than middle school.

Percy still dated Annabeth, and still had his separate group of friends. It wasn't terrible though. Nico had Thalia and Will. They sat with him at lunch, and walked with him to his classes, and sometimes went to his house. Nico didn't feel so dependent on Percy anymore.

Of course whenever he saw Percy, he felt happier because that was his best friend. That was the person he could be himself with completely. He could stay silent, and Percy wouldn't mind. If he did that with Thalia or Will, they felt the need to break the silence. With Percy, even if they hadn't really talked in days, it felt like they hadn't been apart at all.

Nico had taken Will's advice. He let himself acknowledge what he felt and it made it much easier to hide. He'd accepted what he felt for Percy and it was much easier to pretend he didn't feel anything. He admitted to himself that he might have a slight crush on Will, but he didn't feel terrible about when he was with him and Thalia.

Today, his friends were coming to celebrate his birthday. Since it landed on a Monday, they decide to celebrate the weekend prior. Will, Thalia, Leo, Percy, and- wait for it- Annabeth, were all coming over.

Annabeth had been a last minute addition. They hadn't talked since the party until the beginning of that week. She'd gone up to him while he sat with Thalia and Will in the morning and asked for a minute alone. Thalia encouraged him, seeing as she was her best friend.

Annabeth was fidgeting with her bracelet, which Nico eyed with a bit of envy. She looked up at him and began her apology. "About the party.... I'm just.... Everything they told me I said- I didn't believe it. Because it was so mean, and so wrong. It's not even how I see you. I don't know why I said those things."

Nico crossed his arms. "You know they say only babies and inebriated people ever tell the truth."

Annabeth shook her head. "But that wasn't true. I think you're really smart. And I know you have a tough past, Percy told me that way back when we were in middle school. He didn't give me details, of course, he just said you'd had it rough. And from what I do know, I mean you mom and sister and the bullying.... Nico I think you're really strong." her voice started to crack. "And I can't even forgive myself for saying what I said, but you have to believe me when I say I didn't mean it at all." She wiped away a couple of tears that had fallen. "I really hope you'll forgive me. Percy told me you read a lot. And, honestly, I think we could be friends. If you want." She looked at him nervously. "I'm sorry. I just don't know how to show you that I'm being sincere."

Nico sighed. Damn her for being kind. Damn her for being pretty. He could see why Percy liked her. "I don't like when people cry," he said awkwardly. "It'll take me a while, but I'm sure I'll get over it. I have my own friends now, so. C'est la vie."

Annabeth nodded. "I don't blame you. All of it was just.... Uh, by the way, Percy said he admitted to being bisexual. I have the feeling he's just pulling my leg, but I don't know. Do you?"

Nico raised an eyebrow. "Uh yeah, he told me the next day."

Annabeth smiled. "Oh boy," she said. "Now I have double competition."

Nico scoffed. "I doubt it. He only has eyes for you." Nico scratched the back of his neck awkwardly before saying, "Anyways, I'm going to go back to Will and Thalia. See you around."

"Yeah, yeah. See you later." She walked away and Nico went back to his friends.

He sat next to Will, who sat in the middle. "What was that?" Thalia asked.

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