Ch. 50- Try

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Hi! Sorry it took forever... I had major writer's block. Again. I am so sorry. Anyway, I didn't proofread because I was anxious to update, so I'm sorry if I have mistakes.

Also, please note that I will let you know when the story is ending. And frankly, we're pretty far from it. I pan to end this when they graduate and if you all want more, I was planning a sequel for you know adulthood. 

Anyway, Happy Readings! xoxo- Ally

November 9, 2013

The hall was adorned with several reflective decorations. Everywhere you looked there was something shining or glittering back. At least the music was good.

"I can't believe you got me to come to homecoming," Nico said into Percy's ear.

"Oh, come on, just give it a chance. You have to live every high school experience before we graduate." Nico rolled his eyes and leaned against the wall. "Don't look too excited, babe," Percy said. Annabeth walked over to them in an elegant silver dress, with Thalia in tow. Thalia was in a suit. "Look at you two," Percy said.

"She wouldn't come in a dress, and I had the best one picked for her," Annabeth said. "And you," she said, fixing Nico's tie. "You still owe me a dance since the wedding."

"Yeah, I don't know about-"

"Thalia, he's over there!" Annabeth said suddenly, pulling her.

Thalia blushed and they only heard her shriek, "Annabeth, shut up!" before the two made their way through the crowd. Percy laughed and turned back to Nico.

"You know," Nico said, "I might not look so upset if you kissed me." He shrugged and looked away from Percy nonchalantly. He heard Percy's laughter and felt a hand slide around his torso. Percy pulled him close and pressed their lips together.

For a second, the sound of the music faded along with the voices and laughter of the students. There was no hall, no dance, no sparkling decorations. It was just the feeling of Percy's lips and the bliss that always resulted. Nico slid a hand behind Percy's neck, letting his thumb hover slightly over the curve of his jawline.

"Mm, much better," Nico said smiling. "I'll be right back, do you want anything?" Percy shook his head and Nico started for the bathrooms. He left the room, and as the door shut, the music muffled, causing his ears to hum with the sudden change. He went to the bathroom and checked his suit in the mirror. He hated the way he looked in a suit. It was awkward and ridiculous. But the school had made dressing up a rule. And frankly, he wasn't going to cross-dress like Thalia and arrive in a gown. That would have been slightly worse.

He ruffled his hair slightly then left the bathroom. When he turned the corner, he stopped dead at the sight of Andrew and Will kissing. Andrew was attacking his neck, and Will's cheeks were flushed. When Will opened his eyes and saw Nico, he turned even redder and pushed Andrew back.

"Oh God," he muttered under his breath. Andrew turned to look at what had freaked Will out and scowled.

"Oh, please, don't let me interrupt," Nico muttered.

"We won't," Andrew growled. He moved to kiss Will again, but Will moved away and looked at him in disbelief. "What?"

Nico scoffed and continued to the ballroom, trying to get the image out of his head. He wasn't jealous. That was for sure. He'd figured it out in the last few months that Will and Andrew started dating. He was simply territorial over his friends. It was more his pride and ego that made him detest the matchup and that was it. However, that would be difficult to explain so he kept it to himself and did his best to behave around the two.

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