Ch. 57- The Reason

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I AM SO SO SO SORRY I JUST DISAPPEARED ON YOU GUYS. I was struggling so much with finding ideas about what to fill this chapter with it was driving me crazy. I'm so glad you al enjoyed the last chapter- WILL IS SO IMPORTANT TO ME I couldn't stand to see you guys hate him. So I let you peek into his mind. <3 (P.S. I didn't proofread I'm sorry)

Anyway, back to our protagonists: Nico-

April 25, 2014

His fingers glided across the keys slowly and gently, allowing the notes to echo through the empty house.

Hazel was visiting her mom. Papa was still at work. Jules had gone back to France to visit for a few weeks, but even if he were there, the house would feel just as solitary. Dahlia was with her mother for the weekend; Mrs. Winters had recently had a surgery for glaucoma. She was fine, but Dahlia wanted to stay with her.

There was a time when Nico would have minded. He would have been angry and lonely and hated the echoes, the silence, the emptiness. But he didn't anymore. Because things were so much better for him. He cherished these moments when he was alone and able to do nothing without it mattering to anyone else.

He was calmer and happier.

Dr. Bickmore helped a lot. She had allowed Nico to vent about anything, even if it was a repeated problem that made him sound like a broken record- that was mainly Percy's insane idea about going to the military. When she found out that he enjoyed making music, she suggested he use it as a form of personal therapy. It relaxed him and kept his thoughts from becoming overwhelming.

The nightmares had stopped as well. He didn't wake up in the middle of the night screaming or gasping for air, his clothes sticking to his body as sweat cooled his body. He still had fitful nights, a possible aftereffect of having spent so much time with nightmares. Or so Dr. Bickmore suggested.

Bringing himself back to the present, Nico pulled out the journal Paul had given him a couple years ago and flipped through it, looking for a song he'd written. He glanced over the words, changing a few in his head and began playing the piano, adding chords behind the single notes that followed his words. Every now and then, his finger would hit the wrong key and he'd try again, his brow furrowing in concentration.

A knock came at the door and Nico shoved the journal behind a large houseplant Dahlia had put in the dining room. Nobody else had seen the songs and poems he'd written, and he planned on keeping it that way.

He ran a hand through his hair and opened the door, his breath hitching when he saw Percy leaning against the doorframe, looking back at the garden. "How do you guys keep up with all these flowers?" he asked, turning his emerald eyes to Nico.

"We don't. Dahlia does," Nico said. "How was the interview?" Percy stepped inside, kissing Nico quickly before plopping himself on his couch.

"Good, I think. The guy was nice and seemed to like me, so.... I mean it's Starbucks, it's not a big deal. I make Mom coffee all the time."

Nico laughed and followed him to the couch. He tugged his shoulder, causing Percy to sit up so Nico could sit before he laid back onto Nico's lap. "Something tells me it's a little different at Starbucks, love."

Percy smiled his heart throbbing half smile. "I know," he said. "Still, they can train me. And I'm awesome, what's not to like?" Nico laughed and turned on the television. "Is Azrael still not home?" Percy asked.

"No. He had to stay a few hours later today. I think he got off a little while ago." Percy hummed and took Nico's free hand in his own as Nico flipped through channels.

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