Ch. 45- Can't Help Falling In Love

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~Elvis Presley (But the Twenty-One Pilots version is what you should listen to, I'm just saying.)

Okay, this is the chapter I have been dying to upload. This is the one I've planned from the start and I hope you guys like it. Ask my friends, THIS CHAPTER IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN DOING MY BEST NOT TO EXPOSE TO YOU FROM THE VERY BEGINNING!

okay, go ahead. Happy readings!! ~Ally xoxo

Monday May 6, 2013

"If you want to have one day off that last week of finals, get your essay in by Wednesday. The first five to turn them in will present their project and or speech on Friday," Mrs. Solano told the class. "Remember, this essay can be about anything and any length. Preferably no less than a page and no more than five, but that's up to you. It should have a thesis, your argument and standpoint on a certain subject, and supporting details. Whether that be hard facts because your topic uses statistics or real world events and your take on them. Lastly, it must have personal experience. Something you've seen, or gone through, a way you relate to your topic. The project should be a more creative way to give the information you provide. Get to work, you have all class period."

"I enjoy writing," Nico muttered to Annabeth. "But I hate when it's assigned." He glanced over to see she was already brainstorming. "How do you do that?"

"Nico, this is based off of things that peak your own interest. You shouldn't struggle so much," she said. He hummed and watched her write down every fact about every monument she knew off the top of her head. He wouldn't be surprised if she showed up with a 3D landscape model.

Since he had no idea what to write about, he opened his personal journal and continued writing. Over the last three months he'd filled it with poems and pieces of songs. The front pages were beginning to tear out and he had to keep them down with tape.

Three months. Three months without Percy. It was still amazing that he'd made it this far. The pain was still there. He felt it every time he had to sit next to Percy in class. He felt it every time he saw him from across the lunch room talking to the twins and two other guys Nico didn't know. He still felt it.

It had numbed down a bit. Nico was aware of it, but he worked around it, ignoring it as long as he could by writing it out or creating music to capture it and trap it somewhere far from his own heart and mind. He hadn't spoken a word to Percy since their argument on the porch.

It seemed like that was always what they ended up doing. Arguing. Even as friends all they seemed to do was argue.

Seeing as he had nothing else to do besides write pathetic, heartbroken, lovesick rhymes, he pulled out his phone and put in his earphones. Fall Out Boy was always Percy's band while Nico preferred softer indie songs, but he'd found himself listening to more rock to drown out his thoughts when he needed to. And the latest album was pretty good. At the same time, he messaged Will.

Will had been a big help the last few months. He'd been a true friend and let Nico vent whenever he needed. He provided the sensible perspective when Nico could only see the drastic results of a seemingly drastic decision. He provided the comfort and optimistic attitude Nico needed.

Usually, Will went over to his house after school to keep Nico focused on school work. When he'd just broken up with Percy, his grades had plummeted drastically. He hadn't let his father find out. But Will threatened to tell if he didn't pick them back up. He also went for food. Nico always had food. Will's parents were hardly ever home, so Will didn't have much to go back to anyway. When he visited Nico, he got to talk to Hazel, Frank, Thalia, and of course Nico.

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