Ch. 14- Wake Me Up

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September 10, 2011 (14/13 years old; freshman; Percy)

"I still can't believe you have so much money," Percy said. Nico shrugged glancing at the several high quality shirts he'd gotten from Italy, courtesy of the Tanaka family. They'd taken him out and Drew helped him choose, though he wasn't too enthusiastic. At least that's what he told Percy. Yet with the amount of clothes thrown across Nico's bed, it was hard to believe that he hadn't enjoyed himself a little. "Okay, well, shit. My clothes is going to be completely lame compared to yours."

Nico threw a fistful of shirts at him. "Take some. I really don't like having so much clothes."

Percy smiled. "Yeah, you stick to baggy merchandise shirts." He looked inside Nico's closet which was littered with oversized shirts that advertised things like Mythomagic, Black Ops, Marvel, DC, and Legos. He shook his head as a smile played on his lips. He liked how childish his best friend was at times. It was nice to know Nico hadn't been brainwashed by sex and drugs like some kids in school. Sure it was slightly outgrown, but Nico liked these things. It was better than him wearing anything with half naked girls sloppily ironed on. And Nico wasn't so preppy as to wear polos and plaid from big name stores like he himself was. "Sadly, you can't wear one to your first high school party. So, Italian wealth it is."

Nico frowned. "I'm not wealthy. I'm not." Percy cocked his head. He knew Nico didn't like being told he was rich. He hated that people had started asking him about Italy as if it made a celebrity because he knew it would wear off and everyone would return to ignoring him. Nico built up so many walls to make sure not to let anyone else in, and Percy wasn't sure how he felt about that. Sure, he felt special being one of the few that were already in his heart, even if it was only in a friendly way. But he didn't think it was healthy for Nico to be so cautious. And the one friend he had made, even if only recently, had to be one of the cuter freshmen in their school.

When Percy saw Will sit down with Nico at lunch that first day, he felt defensive. I mean honestly, the guy was hot. He had sun-kissed skin, shaggy blond hair, bright piercing and mischievous blue eyes, and he was tall and built. While he didn't have the broad shoulders Percy had from swimming, the guy was lean. He was one of the guys who carried himself with confidence, much like Percy. When Nico told him Will got it into his head that maybe they weren't the closest of best friends, he immediately put the guy on his list of disliked people. A list which included his father, Luke, Clarisse, and the bitch algebra teacher he had; Ms. Dodds.

He realized that neither of them had talked for a while and when he looked at Nico, Nico was just tracing a pattern on one of the shirts. "Nico? Are you okay?" Percy walked over to him, and Nico looked away. When they'd returned to school on Tuesday, Nico had blushed and couldn't look Percy in the eyes. He didn't all week. Percy didn't know why. Maybe Mrs. Duff had just made it that awkward for them, what with the snickers that now followed them. Percy didn't mind. He knew what he felt for Nico, but he knew he had a pretty girlfriend, and he was confident in himself. Nico was his best friend. Rumors could go as far as they pleased as long as that remained true. "Nico, you're doing it again."

"Doing what?" Nico grumbled.

"You're avoiding me and being sad. Did I do something?"

Nico sighed. "No. I said I'd tell you if you hurt my feelings. I just... the idea of going to a party makes me nervous. I just want to stay home and read and stuff my face with hot chips. I don't want to go out and be the third wheel or fifteenth wheel in your group of friends and be surrounded my loud music and people probably drinking and doing drugs and making out and- oh my God." Nico caught his breath.

Percy blinked. "Neeks, you're not.... Hey," he said. Nico looked in his general direction, and Percy sighed knowing it was as close as he'd get. "Hey, if it becomes too much, we'll leave. Just try it out. You might make some friends. Are you going to drink?"

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