Ch. 58- Better Place

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So I've decided to take one of the follower's requests- I will upload more though the chapters will be shorter. I'm more focused on the sequel and a Solangelo story from Tumblr, and I've run out of plot for their teen years, but I'll figure it out I promise. Just please don't be upset that the chapters are like half the original length. Thank you guys. 

May 24, 2014

As soon as the clock hit four o clock, Percy was removing his apron and clocking out. His coworker Callie gave him a look and smiled. "In a rush?"

"I have my military ball today," he answered, unable to keep the giddiness out of his voice. "I'll see you Monday, okay?"

She nodded and smiled at him. "Have fun," she said, waving as Percy dashed out the door. Nico was waiting in the usual parking spot, scrolling through his phone.

Percy knocked on the window and Nico looked up at him before unlocking the car. "How was work?" he asked as Percy slid in. Percy leaned over to kiss him before answering.

"Fine. Ready for tonight?" Nico bit his lip and chuckled. "What?"

"Nothing," he laughed. "Just anxious to wear a tux again. I'd thought I wouldn't have to until Papa's wedding, but oh well." He glanced over at him momentarily. "You'll be in your uniform, right?"

Knowing this was dangerous territory, as anything was when it regarded the military, Percy nodded slowly. "Yeah. Is that okay?"

The corner of Nico's mouth twitched and he said, "It's kind of hot when you wear it, so.... Hell yeah." Percy laughed and slid his hand into Nico's where it rested against the gearshift. His fingers automatically laced between the spaces of his as he drove. Percy turned up the radio and pulled Nico's hands to his lips, inaudibly singing against the back of his hand while he drove.

Despite the fact that Percy live two doors down, Nico always passed up his own house to leave Percy at his. "Let me know when you're ready," Percy said before he leaned over to kiss him. "Okay."

"Uh-huh," he muttered before pulling Percy in again. He smiled against the kiss and felt his heartbeat begin to race the way it always did when he was this close to Nico. Finally, he pulled back and gave Percy a lazy smile. "Love you. I'll call you okay?" Percy nodded and got out of the car.

He went into his house and saw Paul and Mom putting together a jigsaw puzzle in the living room coffee table. He kneeled beside them and hugged them both before standing up to shower and get rid of the smell of coffee beans. He dressed in a regular shirt and shorts, not wanting to get ready yet.

He grabbed some cookies Mom had made and ate them as he watched them put the puzzle together. "Aren't you just going to pull that apart anyway?" he asked, looking at the several tiny pieces.

"No, we glue them together and frame it," Paul answered. "When puzzles are this big, that's what you do." Percy frowned and shrugged, watching them as they put the pieces together.

"So does Nico know about your decision?" Mom asked. Percy winced and nodded. "I take it he didn't take it well?"

Percy shook his head. "He freaked out. That's my fault, I shouldn't have hid it from him for so long." He shrugged. "Ever since Miss Maria and Bianca died, he's been terrified of losing people."

"So how did you handle him?" Paul asked putting a pieced down. "His breakdown, I mean."

Again Percy shrugged. "I just said that it's what I wanted. That if he loved me he'd support me." He chewed on the inside of his cheek and frowned. "I mean we compromised. I said I'd try to look for another profession that caught my interest and he said if I didn't he'd stop fighting the idea."

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