Ch. 22- Fighting With Myself

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-LP (if you haven't heard this song you NEED TO)

this chapter and the last are set at the same time, just look at the dates.

Pretty please comment I love comments and share the story if you like it

Happy readings ♡ -Ally xoxo

February 13, 2012 Nico

Nico was growing tired of Will's incessant attempts to talk to him. He dreaded the free time teachers gave because Will would pester him and beg him, no matter how often Nico moved away.

And to add to the frustration, anytime Nico went home to check on the renovations and his father's wellbeing, Papa would ask in a pathetically casual tone, "How's Will doing? Is he okay, he doesn't seem different?"

For crying out loud, hadn't Papa been the one to make Nico stop that friendship? Hadn't it been Papa who seemed so against Will in the first place?

When he got to Percy's place that day after the choir rehearsals, Percy asked if he wouldn't mind helping him pick out some flowers for Annabeth.

"Sure, let's go ask Dahlia. I'm sure she'd have a better eye for it." Ignoring the knot in his stomach and the sadness creeping up on him, they went over to his house. The noise from the construction workers was annoying, but they managed to pick out a nice colorful bouquet for Annabeth.

Dahlia questioned him while Percy went to look for some paper or plastic to wrap the stems. "So, you're staying at his place, watching him get gifts for his girlfriend on Valentine's Day."

Nico gave her a look. "Don't remind me," he muttered. "I'm trying to ignore it. I'm supposed to be...." He thought for a moment. With an exaggerated breath he said, "The wingman, supportive, and whatnot."

"Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt," Dahlia said. "And when are you going to tell me what happened to Thalia and Will? Did you get in a fight with them?"

Nico scowled. "I wish everyone would stop asking about them." He shook his head as Percy neared them again.

Dahlia helped him wrap and tie the flowers and they went back to Percy's to eat dinner and go to bed.

Nico almost wished he hadn't even gone to school. He didn't think it would make a difference. Every class centered on Valentine's Day. Geography, learn about the city of love; Geometry, make an equation for a heart (which was actually kind of difficult); Biology, here's a birth video meaning- don't have sex; Theatre, plays about love and tragedy.

Nico wanted to barf. Everywhere he looked- pink, red, white, hearts, cupid, giant stuffed bears, flowers, couples, kisses, hugs, squeals. It was overwhelming.

To top it off, Percy barely acknowledged him all day at school. He was too busy pampering Annabeth and becoming the most envied couple at school. Even Nico had to roll his eyes when he heard the things he said or saw him get to class a little after the bell.

He'd gotten Percy a gift. After all it was a day for friendship too. But as Percy continued to push him aside obliviously, he started doubting it would be a good idea. He feared giving him the gift would outright say, hey I kind of like you a lot, and he didn't need that.

He could almost hear the response; gee, thanks bro, I mean I don't like like you, you know, but yeah.

Nico winced as he imagined it. So much for not feeling anything.

That day after school, when Percy came into his room, Nico had just started reading Divergent.

"New book?"

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