Ch. 21- Caught Myself

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AN: *please read it's important*
Okay, so I'm in Mexico rn and my ability to write and update is limited. I will TRY to update every week, but I also want to keep some chapters prewritten and the amount of prewritten chapters is dwindling.

Also this chapter and the next are set at the same time, just look at the dates.

Lastly pretty please comment I love comments and share the story because I miss my readers ♡ thank you for reading, enjoy, and be patient, the real deal is coming up, but I love drama ^_^

Literally shaking because I hope yu guys like these chapters....
Happy readings -Ally xoxo

February 12, 2012 14 years old Percy

Percy wasn't going to lie. He was a bit nervous about Nico staying for almost a month. He'd readmitted what he felt for Nico and ever since, it seemed much harder to be around him and Annabeth at the same time. But finals were over, however badly he did, and Azrael was starting the renovations. Nico needed a place to stay.

The knock on the door made Percy jump slightly before answering. Nico carried a duffel bag in one hand, his backpack on his back, his laptop bag across his body, and his acoustic in the other hand. "Hey," he greeted.

"Hey," Percy said, noticing the slightly red tip of Nico's nose and rosy cheeks. The winter air blew around his face, making his raven black hair to swirl across his face. "Come in," Percy said stepping aside.

It was going to be a long month.

After Nico had left his things in Percy's room, he came back to sit by him on the couch. "What are we- oh for fuck's sake Teen Mom? You're joking," he said.

"Actually, I was watching Awkward before you came," Percy said.

"That's no better," Nico huffed. "TV sucks nowadays. Check CBS. Maybe The Big Bang Theory or How I Met You Mother is on." Percy flipped the channel and when they were disappointed, he started channel surfing for anything good.

He noticed Nico look at his phone and toss it aside with an empty look. "Is Solace still bugging you?"

"He's been trying to get me to talk to him any chance he gets. We have the same classes second semester. I've been avoiding him; I even made friends with the theatre teacher so I wouldn't talk to him. And he won't give up." Nico rubbed his face with his hands and frowned.

Percy sighed. "Well, what happened that was so bad? Did he do something? It just seemed really sudden."

"Are you on his side or something?" Nico spat.

"No! I'm just trying to understand." He stopped on a rerun of American Horror Story. "It just must've been bad if you started sitting with us at lunch again. And every time you get to fourth, you look... sad." Nico shrugged. "Nico."

"Dude you're starting to sound like Papa. He keeps asking me too, is Will okay? Has he been acting all right? I mean really, he-." Nico cured under his breath. "Really, it's nothing. I just wish he wouldn't bother me so much. But forget it. I can handle him. And Thalia's backed off too, so it's fine."

Percy dropped it for the time being. "Okay. So what's your dad adding to the house?"

"Training floor," Nico said. "I want to gain strength- learn to defend myself. And I want to exercise more than just my legs."

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