Ch. 54- I'm a Mess

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~Ed Sheeran

*btw, I have been corrected on something stated in a previous chapter (it's fixed now), and I'd like to say, the Marines are the first called during war. Okay, cool.

Anyway, pretty please pretty, pretty please comment! I love comments! They let me know you guys are still into the story <3 Also if you want to read more of my writing, follow my tumblr: i-write-shakespeare-not-disney 

Happy Reading, you wonderful people you. ~Ally xoxo

January 24, 2014

Finals week was finally over. This both relieved Nico's nerves and worsened them. At least he didn't have to worry about studying anymore. He didn't have to worry about tests. But tomorrow was his first session with a therapist and he couldn't push away the ominous feeling in his chest.

All last week, Will had ignored him, save for the small amount of time in which they worked on history fair in class. Even then, he kept the talk to a minimum, and focused only on the project. If Nico tried any other conversation, he wouldn't answer. This week, he hadn't had a chance to even try to talk to him because of testing. His messages went unanswered.

"Jules?" he called as he knocked on the guest door. It opened and the chauffeur looked at him questioningly. "Could you um... could you drive me to Will's?"

He nodded and left the room, starting down the stairs. "Where are you going?" Hazel asked from the breakfast nook where she was reading a book.

"I'll be back," he said dismissively. She frowned but didn't question him further. He got into the car and Jules drove. It wasn't too early, Will should be awake. And Nico didn't think he'd kick him out. At least he hoped not. When they pulled up Nico said, "Thanks. Um, I'll call you to pick me up, okay? I'm not sure how long this will take."

Jules furrowed his eyebrows. "Is everything okay, monsieur?" he asked.

"Yeah. It's fine." Really, Nico just didn't want Jules to see if the door did get shut in his face. And if it didn't, Nico really didn't know how long the conversation would be. "I'll call you."

Jules nodded and when Nico got out, he waved goodbye to Jules. After a second of hesitation, Jules drove away.

He took a deep breath and started toward the door. The parking lot was empty again. Though his mother's car may have been in the garage. They tended to leave it there when they left. Nico knocked on the door softly, chiding himself for his cowardice. Then he knocked again, a bit harder.

After a few seconds, the door handle jingled and the door opened a crack. A bright blue eye looked out, a strand of blond hair falling in front of it. Then the door opened a little wider, just enough to let Will become completely visible, but obviously not inviting Nico in.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I want to talk," Nico answered.

"Okay, well, I don't. So goodbye." He started closing the door, but Nico put out a hand to stop it from closing. "What the heck?"

"Will, please," he pleaded.

Will fixed him with an unusual icy gaze. Then finally, "Fine. Get in, you're letting all the cold air inside."

He opened the door and Nico stepped inside, engulfed in warmth. Will crossed his arms and looked back at him with narrowed eyes. Nico wasn't used to that look. Not from Will. "I'm sorry," he finally said to break the silence. "I'm sorry I got into a fight with him. I didn't mean to cause a break up."

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