Ch. 56- Unsteady

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Okay, this one is a bit longer than most of the others simply because I don't think I'll ever write in this pov again. And although it doesn't develop percico, I hope you guys like it and appreciate it and idk just this is supeer important to me. Okay thank you. Please comment and vote <3

Happy Readings xoxo Ally

March 7, 2014

He partially berated himself for looking for him when a few weeks ago, Derek's presence hardly affected him. But then, this was a good thing, wasn't it? This meant that he could stop feeling what he felt for Nico and finally move on. Finally feel comfortable in a relationship.

"What are you thinking?" Nico asked, pulling Will from his thoughts as they walked into their first class.

"Nothing," he lied. And though Nico knew it was a lie, as he always did, he didn't press. They went to their seats and he smiled at Nico. "First game today. You excited?"

"Hell yeah," Nico replied with enthusiasm, his brown eyes sparkling and his smile so sincere, it made Will's heart warm. He still remembered when he first saw Nico, a boy who lingered in the library in the mornings or during lunch, awkward and stiff, always looking over his shoulder until he delved into a book. He remembered the day he first talked to him, pretending that the librarian had sent him and even after, seeing him settle down with a book of poetry.

Even then in those moments that Will had yet to know him, there had been something broken in Nico. A guard in his eyes, along with misery and pain. But his expression had been so stoic all the time, that only in those solitary moments in the library did Will notice a fleeting look of hurt or anger in him.

Then the next year they shared classes, and he had seen it in his solemn brown eyes- recognition. And with recognition, a sort of wary fear that Will hadn't understood. Their friendship had been one of the best things that happened to Will.

But he had been an idiot. He became selfish and although he knew Nico's fears and his insecurities, Will forced him to explore, forced him to show Will a fraction of what he had felt for Nico. And it all came tumbling down.

Sometimes Will believed Nico had felt something for him. The notion was reinforced by memories of a drunken kiss, the way he sought for refuge in him, the way he had kissed him at his house and clung to him in his sleep. The way he'd become jealous of Andrew and the unsure movements he made. Even now, Will sometimes got the crazy notion that Nico felt something for him in the way he'd look at him or smile at him or simply the little gestures he didn't seem to be conscious of that made goosebumps rise on Will's skin. A brush of a hand, a simple nudge, a feathery touch on his arm to get his attention.

Then he would remind himself. Nico had been drunk, had promptly vomited after that kiss. He had been heartbroken and needed a friend when he asked Will to stay with him. He had only wanted to forget the pain Percy had caused him when he kissed Will. Had probably believed he was holding Percy in his sleep rather than Will. And the looks or smiles were dim in comparison to the expressions he made around Percy, the gestures friendly and overanalyzed by Will's wistful mind.

Of course Nico didn't feel that way about him. Will had thrown that possibility away the day he had become too impatient and kissed him in his room, causing him to get hurt by his father who had yet to understand his own motives.

Suddenly, the bell rang jarring Will from his thoughts. He gathered his things and followed Nico out of the class along with Annabeth. "Will, are you sure you're okay? You were quiet the whole class period," Nico said, his brow furrowed with worry.

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