Ch. 35- Feel The Tide

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~Mumford and Sons

I should not be awake right now guys. BUT I REALLY WANNA GET SOMEWHERE WITH THESE TWO SO OH FRICKIN WELL. :D I hope you enjoy le chapter. I'm sleepy, so bear with mistakes. Once the books are completed, I'll go through and edit for mistakes. Meanwhile, please comment, vote, and share! THANK YOU (disclaimer: the last sentence is a quote from somewhere i forget where so like... don't credit me it wasn't me :D)

Happy Readings ~xoxo Ally

September  10, 2012 (Percy's pov, sophomore year)

When Percy and Nico got to school Monday, talking and walking together as if they'd always been friends- which was technically true- it was safe to say they got more than a few weird looks.

"Angry girlfriend ten o' clock," Percy muttered under his breath. Nico glanced and saw Melody fuming before turning away and looping her arm through Luke's.

Surprisingly, Nico laughed. "Ex-girlfriend, apparently." He nodded in the opposite direction. "Speaking of which.... I'll give you some alone time." He raised an eyebrow and walked away toward where Annabeth waited near the library.

With an awkward glance around, Percy made his way to Rachel. "Hey, Rach." She turned and approached with a sad smile. Like she knew what was coming. "I don't want to be a jerk, but... I think I'm being a bigger jerk if I don't...." He sighed. He didn't know what to say.

Rachel simply sighed and nodded. "Yeah, I figured this was coming. I'm too clingy, aren't I?"

"What? No!" Well, yes. "Rachel, I'm doing this because I'm not completely into... us. And that's not fair to you."

Her gaze was distant. Levelled and disappointed. "Is it... because of Annabeth?"

This time, Percy was able to shake his head honestly. "What she and I had really is over, Rach. I'm just trying to right some wrongs. It's not fair for me to be with you if I'm not planning to have it go anywhere."

Rachel had looked at him oddly. He wondered if maybe she knew. "Do you like someone else?" she asked curiously. Percy didn't see how that mattered. His reaction time was a second too late, because then Rachel said, "Oh. Okay." Percy felt so confused, he didn't even try to clear that up.

"We're still friends, right?" Okay, maybe that was a stupid question, but Percy couldn't help it. He cared about his friends.

Rachel had simply smiled amusedly. "Yeah, Percy. We're still friends." She started away from him before stepping back. "Hey, I have a question." Percy nodded, but the words made a knot grow in his stomach. "At Silena's party.... You know the pool incident...." Percy grimaced. He could still feel the burn of chlorine in his throat and nasal cavity, the burning need for unreachable air in his lungs. "Were you... trying to kill yourself?"

Percy stepped back. "What?" he asked. Rachel looked down. "No. No I wasn't. I wanted to go for a swim once everyone was out. I was dizzy and the second I hit the water, I couldn't move because my limbs were heavy. Everyone was too far, and by the time I had enough sense, I was already blacking out."

"Okay," she said. "I believe you. I just had to know." She smiled at him. "See you at lunch."

She walked away to her art class and Percy started for his friends. He felt like a weight had been lifted. He saw Annabeth first. She was reading a book, but her eyes were skimming and her nose was flared. "You okay?" Percy asked.

She looked up and blinked a few times before nodding. "Yeah. I heard you were going to break up with Red." Percy raised an eyebrow. "Rachel. Elizabeth. Dare. Red."

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