Ch. 55- Hold Each Other

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~A Great Big World

Just ask my friends how much I debated this chapter. HAHAHA okay happy reading. Sorry it took so long, I've been focusing more on the sequel than finishing this. 

February 14, 2014

The school was buzzing with the excitement of Friday and Valentine's Day. Percy's hand was in Nico's as they sat with their friends at lunch.

There weren't that many couples at the table. Most of their friends were still single, though usually by choice. "I swear if I get one more rose, I'm going to punch someone in the face," Thalia snarled.

"Ah, then maybe I should go make sure they don't deliver the one I got you," Will said with mock embarrassment.

"Can you cancel mine too?" Nico added with a snicker.

"Ooh, I'd say cancel mine, but I think she already got it," Rachel said. Thalia snarled at them and rolled her eyes. "Come on, Silena, cheer up."

"I miss Charlie," she sniffed. "I bet all the girls at his college are trying to come on to him and I'm all the way over here." He pretty blue eyes watered and she laid her head on the table.

"No date tonight?" Percy asked.

"He has to study for a test," she mumbled. Annabeth patted her shoulder sympathetically.

Suddenly, Percy felt Nico's nose nudging his shoulder and he turned to look at him. "What the hell are you doing?" he laughed.

"I'm a cat," he said simply. He gazed at him with crystalline brown eyes that made Percy's heart stutter. "I'm also very bored," he added. "Are we still going to the movies today?"

"Of course we are." He held his hand a little tighter and turned back to the conversation.

In the back of his head, he couldn't help but think that this should have been their second Valentine's Day together. But last year hadn't exactly gone as planned. He remembered the agony of seeing everyone with their boyfriend or girlfriend while he had been ignoring Nico.

Nico was playing with his fingers and Percy felt the sudden urge to kiss him right there. Just to know that he was there, that they were together, that things were better.

But he didn't. Because Will Solace was sitting across from them, and although he never really showed it, Percy knew he still liked Nico. Kissing him in front of Will would be cruel, especially on Valentine's Day.

When lunch ended, their group huddled toward the exit. Percy had to go to a different hall and Nico pulled him into a kiss before letting him go. As Nico turned to rejoin Will and Thalia, Percy caught the uncomfortable glance Will gave Thalia. When Will looked back and noticed Percy looking at him, he managed a strained smile before Nico pulled him and Thalia down the hall, rambling excitedly about something.

"It sucks, you know," he heard someone say. He turned and saw Andrew standing by a pillar, looking tired and unusually sad. "Seeing someone you really like love someone else."

Percy frowned and walked toward him. "I thought Nico apologized to you."

"He did. That doesn't change the fact that it hurts," Andrew said. "And it's not fun seeing them talk in first period the whole time. He started that fight, and somehow Will forgave him but never gave me another shot." Percy pursed his lips, not really sure what to say to that. "I guess that happens when you're in love."

"You keep saying 'in love,'" Percy noted. "Will isn't in love with Nico."

Andrew raised an eyebrow. "I thought I was the oblivious one." He began walking, glancing back at Percy for him to follow. He did and Andrew kept talking. "When I was dating him, I noticed the way he'd brighten up if he saw Nico. The way he'd jump to his defense if I began to tease him." He paused for a moment, becoming sullen. "I noticed the way he'd react if Nico hugged him. The way he clung to every word he said. How even if they argued, Will would forgive him and they'd be fine." He looked at Percy. "It wasn't like that with me. He looked awkward if I hugged him, guilty if I kissed him, he would zone out when I talked to him. I tried changing tactics, being nice to Nico instead of picking fights, but that didn't even work." Percy sighed and hefted his backpack as they walked down the hall. "I watched him love someone else almost the entire relationship. My only consolation, as mean as it is, is that now he has to do the same." Percy grimaced. Did heartbreak really make someone this cold?

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