Ch. 64- Face Down

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~Red Jumpsuit Apparatus 

I dunno what to say.... hello?

September 5, 2014 

Percy didn't know if his week could get better. Coach Hedge had just named him Captain of both the swim team and the football team. Earlier in the week, the college advisor had called him down to tell him his grades had been so good, he managed to get in the top ten percent of his class. He found out he had Isaac in gym and for economics, so it was good to see a friendly face.

The only thing he wanted to do was find Nico and tell him before going to work. He went outside to their usual hang out spot to wait for him, talking to his friends in the meantime.

"I'm proud of you, Kelp Head," Annabeth said smiling after he told her about his ranking and his captain status. "You worked really hard, you deserve it." Percy smiled and felt like he was on top of the world. Everything was going so well. It would be the best school year of his life.

"You and Nico both helped a lot, Annabeth, I mean without you-"

Annabeth quickly interrupted. "Percy, all we did was encourage you. You did the work." She smiled and pulled him into a hug.

"Lead us to victory, Percy. And maybe don't get a concussion this time," Thalia joked.

"Oh, wow that was you?" Derek questioned. "I remember that. I didn't know it was you though."

"Mm, yeah. Bad memories. Anyway! Silena, don't you usually have your birthday party around this time?"

Silena looked up from her book and pushed her dark hair out of her eyes. "Yeah, but I wasn't sure if I'd do that again. I think I'd rather throw a homecoming party or, like, a senior year bash to get us all pumped, you know." She shrugged. "Charlie could take me somewhere for my birthday."

"Where's Nico?" Rachel asked as she doodled on her jeans.

"I'm not sure," he said. "I have to get to work with Callie soon, but I wanted to tell him about the captain thing."

"You already told him you're top ten percent?" Annabeth asked. Percy nodded. "Wait, where's Callie?"

"Seems like everyone's missing," Will said. He was right. A lot of their friends weren't there. "Oh look, there's Nico."

Percy turned and saw Nico coming out of the front doors, focused on his phone. He walked up to the group and put his phone away. "Hey guys," he greeted. He leaned over and pecked Percy's lips. "How was class, love?"

"Good," he answered. "Guess what?" Nico raised a questioning eyebrow. "Coach made me team captain." Nico's eyes lit up, his lips began to stretch into a congratulatory smile. "For swimming and football," Percy added.

"Holy shit, are you serious?" Nico exclaimed. Percy nodded and Nico wrapped his arms around him, hugging him tightly. "Congratulations!"

Percy laughed and felt his giddiness rise. "Okay, okay. I have to get to work, but I'll get back to you later tonight okay?"

"I can drive you," Nico offered.

"I'm supposed to go with Callie," he reminded him.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Callie already left. I saw her walking before I came here."

"Oh. Weird. Okay, sure." Nico smiled and took his hand. "Bye guys, see you later. Silena, let me know about that party." She nodded and the couple left to Nico's car. "This is so great, I swear. Senior year is great. It's like the movies." Nico chuckled and reversed to leave the school parking lot. "Can you believe we're finally here? Finally our last year after so long?"

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