Ch. 28- Someday

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It's not very long, but it's more of a filler anyway. Starting here, the chapters aren't prewritten so there will probably be more mistakes than normal. 

Please enjoy! (P.S I am officially 17. It's my birthday! :O)

~Ally xoxo

June 3, 2012 (Percy, summer)

Nico was leaving today. Percy saw it as a setback. He couldn't help but feel if Nico were to stay, he could manage to convince him to go out with him. He could steal a few more kisses. Nico could get used to him and slowly let it happen.

He hadn't kissed him without reason, right? Nico obviously felt something too, he was just too afraid.

"Percy!" Percy blinked and focused on Annabeth. "Come on, Percy, what's going on?"

Percy groaned. "I'm sorry, I'm distracted."

"I can tell," she answered. She looked back down at her book and put her pencil between her teeth. "I don't suppose you can tell me what the word abyss means?"

Percy pondered it for a moment. He vaguely remembered hearing the word when Nico was reading. He'd asked what it meant, but he didn't remember. "It's...." Percy closed his eyes. "Oh! It's a hole. Like a bottomless hole, right?"

Annabeth nodded. She'd decided to help him over the summer to take the PSAT during their sophomore year. That meant studying vocabulary, spelling, grammar, math, and reading comprehension. It was basically hell. But Annabeth tried to make it bearable. She wrote in large, neat print, and took things slowly. It was the first time they studied together, but it seemed like Percy could make it.

"So, Nico leaves today, huh?" she asked. Percy nodded. "Are you going to say goodbye?" Percy nodded again. "Do you think I could tag along? Or... would he be upset?"

Percy leaned back against the chair he sat on. "No, I don't think he'd be upset. Let's go. I'm not sure what time they're leaving."

Annabeth gathered her things and they both made their way out of the library. Annabeth kept her arms wrapped around her books. Percy kept his hands in his pockets.

There was no denying the awkwardness of being only friends after being a couple for so long. He had to let go of habits that were natural to him, like holding hands, or walking with an arm around her shoulder. He had to remember he wasn't supposed to look at her like she was an angel, or tell her she was beautiful. He couldn't walk too close to her anymore.

Breaking up with Annabeth had been hard. He still liked her, he still cared about her. But it wasn't fair for either of them if Percy was interested in someone else. He could only be thankful that she was amazing enough to remain his friend.

"So how's he been? After the party, I mean."

Percy shook his head. "You should've seen him. He was completely out of it. Jason said he called him Edward Cullen because he was shiny." Annabeth smirked slightly. "And he was with this girl, but he doesn't remember who she was. He doesn't remember anything. And...." Percy winced. He shuddered as he thought of the scar on Nico's back. "He had puke all over his shirt, so when I got him to my house, I had to change him out of it. And... he has this scar across his back. He won't tell me how he got it." Annabeth furrowed her eyebrows. "It goes from the nape of his neck across to the other shoulder blade. It's awful."

"You don't think Azrael would've done anything to him, do you?"

Percy felt an icy chill run down his spine. "No. No way. He wouldn't hurt Nico like that. Azrael loves Nico, even if Nico is pissed at him." He couldn't imagine how Nico got that nasty gash, much less by who. "Maybe Luke...?"

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