Ch. 44- Hurricane

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Okay. I'm not sure how many of you remember Nico's freshman English teacher, Mr. Elliston, but he was based on my actual freshman English teacher. This weekend I found out he passed away and it really broke me. He was the teacher that introduced me to storywriting. It'd always been essays before his class, and he was amazing. So I mention him in here as a memoire of my own sort.... And if any of you are religious, I would appreciate if you kept him in your prayers as well as his family. 

Thank you. 

Wednesday February 13, 2013

It'd been more than a week since Percy broke up with Nico. The red and pink decorations littering the walls of the school made sure to remind him of that.

At least Percy wouldn't have to watch Nico pamper Rosemary the next day. He had at least stayed true to his word and broke up with her the week prior. Part of him wanted to talk to Nico, fix things and go back. But he couldn't. The lies became too much. It was a never ending cycle with both of them- one always lied and was always caught.

Annabeth was walking next to him in the halls, her own uncertain look clouding her face. A year ago it had been Percy pampering her and making her feel like the luckiest girl in school. That same day, he'd kissed his best friend in his sleep. That day he had told two people he was in love with them. Now he didn't have either of them.

"You're not skipping school tomorrow are you?" Annabeth asked. Percy shook his head.

"As much as I would like to, my mom wouldn't let me and I have a test." He shrugged. "Have you talked to him?" he asked quietly.

"Every day. He's pretty miserable." Percy looked down at his feet as they walked to the lunch room. "What will it take for you and him to get back together?"

He shut his eyes and clenched his jaw. "I don't know, Annabeth. It's not that easy." She rolled her eyes and shook her head. They entered the cafeteria and waited in line. Percy unconsciously let his eyes roam and search for a certain raven haired angel. Ever since the fight with Andrew, Nico didn't sit at that table anymore.

Finally, he caught sight of him, tired and gloomy as ever sitting at a table with Thalia and Will. Part of Percy felt a surge of jealousy at the sight of Will trying to feed Nico. But he realized that it wasn't a couple type of feeding. Will was really just trying to get Nico to eat. He was being a friend. Thalia was talking to Nico, and all Nico would do was close his eyes and breathe. At one point, Nico opened his eyes and caught Percy's.

Immediately, Percy looked away and turned back to his line only to find Annabeth staring at him. "For your sake and his, get over yourself."

"He cheated, Annabeth. And yeah, I knew, but that kiss was the last straw." Noting her frustrated look, he said, "Look, you don't understand. It hurts, okay?"

Her eyes narrowed, became stormy and dark. Percy realized his mistake a second too late; she started for the exit without another word.

Great going, Percy thought to himself. He sighed and got out of line, knowing he wasn't going to eat whatever concoction the school had provided that day. When he sat down, Rachel nudged him. "What happened to Annabeth?"

"I sort of pissed her off," he said.

"Ah, you do have a bad habit of doing that." He made a face at her, but she laughed it off and returned to her conversation with the Stolls.

At one point, Percy wasn't sure how far into lunch it was, Silena stopped the conversation. "Okay, no wait. Percy." Percy looked at her. "What in the hell happened between you and Nico?"

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