Ch. 60- Turning Page

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~Sleeping at Last (Seriously, the sweetest song aside from Enrique Iglesias' Hero)


Also.... smut is not my thing seeing as I never know wtf to call a penis. Also, keep in mind, although both of them are smart and rational, they are naive teenagers in love. ANYWAYS enjoy:

June 19, 2014

It was incredibly hot outside, and the only thing Percy wanted more than anything at the moment was the relief of cold air conditioning. Despite the heat, Percy and his group of friends had decided on reuniting informally over the summer.

They were all joined together at the mall entrance, waiting on Thalia to arrive so they could go inside.

"If I die of a heat stroke, she's paying my funeral," Annabeth muttered, fanning herself with her hand.

"Yeah, please don't hug me right now, Jason it's too hot for lovey dovey crap," Piper said in the same exhausted tone. "Why are you wearing black?"

Percy glanced over at Nico who was leaning against the wall in the small shade provided. He looked down and shrugged. "All my clothes are black." She shuddered and pulled her hair up into a sloppy ponytail.

Finally, Thalia arrived and Will and Derek stumbled out of her car with horrified expressions. "She drives like a maniac," Will gasped when they reached the others.

"Now I know why nobody asks her for rides," Derek said with a hand at his stomach. "Oh God I need to sit down before I barf."

Thalia came up behind them, twirling the keys around her finger. "But did you die?" she snapped.

Will looked like he was going to answer, but Percy interrupted. "Can we go inside before Annabeth passes out?" Thalia rolled her eyes and Will grumbled, but the group went inside and let out a breath of relief as thee air hit them.

They went upstairs to the food court and pushed tables together to eat. It felt like school, but in a good way. Those moments when teachers and homework didn't matter. It was just friends.

"Where's Hazel?" Leo asked as he bit into some chow mein noodles.

"She has a sleepover today I think," Nico said. "She's over in the west side."

"Where's Tyson?" Annabeth asked.

"He went with Mom to the shop. He wanted to help her today," Percy said. Suddenly, the sound of thunder reverberated through the ceiling windows and they looked up to see dark grey thunderclouds in the sky.

"Shit. I hate summer rain. It gets so humid," Thalia said as she shoved a strand of hair out of her face.

"It looks like it's going to get really bad...," Percy said. The sky was so dark, it was hard to tell it was actually pretty early in the day.

Piper slammed her fists down. "We are not cancelling, guys," she said firmly. "I miss you all and I want to be able to see you outside of school and formal events. Not that the wedding wasn't fun, but dresses are uncomfortable."

"No worries, Pipes, we're safe in here," Percy told her. "She's right, we're already here."

The whole group continued to eat, ignoring the ominous clouds above them. Once they left the food court, they could pretend the storm wasn't happening since the food court had the only ceiling windows. They went into different stores and raided the racks, knowing fully well they wouldn't buy anything.

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