Ch. 48- Ours

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~Taylor Swift

Sorry guys, I had really bad writer's block. More than half of this was written in the last four hours soooo... sorry for typos. PLEASE COMMENT :D

Happy readings! -Ally xoxo

Saturday August 17, 2013

Music was resonating through the room. Nico had actually become familiar enough with the album that he would hum it under his breath as he watched Percy play his game. He scrolled through his Facebook getting news on the latest books and authors. It was really all he bothered to do anymore. Several people- mainly girls- had deleted him after he came out. Surprisingly it didn't bother Nico at all. He felt free. He felt normal.

"Shit, shit, shit!" Percy muttered under his breath leaning forward and keeping his eyes on the screen.

Considering Nico's head was resting on his legs, it wasn't very comfortable when Percy got tense on his game. "Uh, Percy? Squishing boyfriend."

"Shit!" Percy snapped at his TV again before leaning back. He ruffled Nico's hair. "Sorry." He gave Nico a lopsided smile that made Nico feel warm and nervous. God he really loved this idiot. "Okay, redo," he mumbled.

Nico glanced at the screen. "Since when are you into Batman?"

"My friend Isaac told me about it. So I got the game. It's fucking intense."

Nico laughed and watched the screen from his lopsided angle. He glanced at Percy and saw his eyebrows furrowed together, his teeth bit his lower lip, and his shoulders tensed and hunched forward. He glanced at the screen. Scarecrow's fear toxin. This was the fourth time Percy had tried to get around it. He was almost done.

It was a bad idea. It would probably piss him off. But hey, that's what boyfriends are for. Nico reached up snatched the controller, pressing random buttons.

"No!" Percy yelled.

Scarecrow's voiceover spoke while Percy jerked forward, knocking Nico aside and he snatched his controller back. By then the screen was black and bats were fluttering before the options menu came up. "Whoops," Nico laughed as Percy looked at the screen in horror.

"What the fuck?" he snapped. "I was so close! What the fucking fuck?" Nico sat up and tried to stop laughing before he pissed Percy off more but the expression on his face was too hilarious. "You're such an asshole, you motherfu-"

"Hey, language," Nico said between laughter. "Aw, come on, Percy. You're not that mad, are you?"

He crossed his arms and glared at Nico. "Do you know how long I've been stuck on this part? I ought to punch you, oh my God."

Nico scooted closer. "Hey," he said. Percy looked away from him. "Hey," he said again. He scooted closer. "Hey, hey, hey." Percy huffed. "Aw, you're cute when you pout."

"You're not making this any better!"

"Gimme kiss," Nico said with a smile. Percy still wouldn't look at him. "Percy," he whined.

"No. No because you fucked me up on my game and I'm really fucking tired of trying to pass that part."

Before Nico could respond the door opened. "Boys, what did I say about the door?" Sally said as she walked in. "Openly dating, open doors."

"Sorry," Nico answered. "That was my fault. I think I closed it coming back from the bathroom." Sally gave him a reprimanding look. "I'm used to closing doors," he said.

"Well get un-used to it." She noticed Percy glaring at Nico. "What happened?"

"He messed me up!" Percy said. "He messed me up on the hardest part yet and- I just- agh!"

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