Ch. 20- The Heart Wants What It Wants

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-Selena Gomez

AN: sorry it's been so long I'm not home, I'm out of town sadly, but I'll try to update weekly.

I love you guys happy reading
-Ally xoxo

Lol I forgot to put a title cx

December 31, 2011 (14 years old; freshmen; Percy)

It was a rather busy time in the city. New Years was next to be celebrated. The deeper citizens got to the heart of Mezzodor, the more lights and festive tinsels coated the streets. There was something exciting about starting a new year.

"It's like it's everyone's birthday," Percy murmured as they drove home. He was in the car with his mom and Nico. They were coming back from the superstore for bulk groceries and of course food. "Where did Dad say he was going?"

"He was taking Tyson to get some clothes. He's outgrown all of his other ones," Mom answered. "How are you doing, sweetie?"

Percy glanced at Nico. He was looking out the window murmuring to himself. He must've felt Percy's gaze because he glanced and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "I'm all right."

Mom looked over at him with a worried crease on her forehead. "Percy-"

"Mom, you were the one that was a mess last time. I'm dealing. I'm okay." He glanced at her and her eyes were set on the road again. They had that glassy look that said she was on the verge of tears. "I'm sorry," Percy said. "I just don't get why you let him stay with us when he left us."

"Why don't you talk to him?" Nico said. Percy looked over to him. "I mean, if it bothers you so much, just ask him why he did what he did and why he's doing what he's doing now."

"It's not that easy," Percy protested. He didn't want to talk to his father.

Nico was glancing out of the window again, at the light specks of snow falling. "Isn't it?" when Percy didn't answer, Nico shifted his gaze. "I mean, he's not pushing you away. He's at the house. It's not like he'll go anywhere. Tyson wants to stay as long as he can with you." He looked right at Percy then. "He wants to fix things, Percy. And he can't do that if you don't clear everything up. I'm not saying be civilized. Yell at him if you need to. He needs to know exactly what he put you through." Nico shrugged. "It's worth a shot before he leaves for another couple of months."

Percy turned back to the front. He glared at the snow falling harmlessly. "Now what would you do without such a level headed friend?" Mom said softly next to him. He glanced at her and she smiled knowingly. Percy sighed. He wasn't going to think of Nico like that anymore. He couldn't.

"Nico are you going to help with the food, or are you going to play video games with me?"

Before Nico could answer, Mom said, "It's not a lot to cook. Not like Christmas or Thanksgiving. Go ahead, dear."

Nico shrugged. "Sure," he said. "Annabeth texted me, though. Have you gotten her texts?"

Percy shook his head. "I left my phone. What'd she say?"

"She wants to come over. She said her uncle's going to a specialist somewhere and she doesn't want to go to either of her parents' houses."

Mom gave Percy a questioning glance. Percy could hear the silent question; are the two people you're head over heels for such close friends? "Can she?" Percy said, feigning oblivion. Mom nodded and kept her eyes on the road. "Tell her she can come over. We could meet her at the corner store or the park."

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