Ch. 34- One Last Mistake for the Little Lion Man

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~LP/Mumford and Sons

A/N: I've had zero motivation for school work :D Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. I apologize if there are grammatical errors. I'm trying to keep the length as similar to the ones before. 

Please, please, please comment. You guys have no idea how grateful I was for all the comments last time. Just ask my friends (who are reading this too), I was practically glowing. You're all amazing, thank you so much! I appreciate the time you all take to read, comment, and/or vote. 


Okay, I'm done talking: Happy Readings! xoxo- Ally/Mooncake

September 8, 2012 (Nico, slightly before the party, sophomore year)

"It's just a pool party, Dad. Not a date." Nico tugged at the small hair by his neck. Hazel was sitting at the breakfast table with Frank while Nico got bombarded with questions from his father. He'd accidentally mentioned Melody and his father pounced on the name quicker than Nico could process.

Hazel shook her head knowingly, a small smile playing on her lips. Frank had no clue. He didn't know it was all a lie. To him, this was just a funny moment in the di Angelo household.

Meanwhile, Azrael was keeping his movements measured. The excitement threatened to make him explode. Both of his kids dating. His son, his used-to-be-awkward, antisocial son was now seeing a girl. "What does she look like?"

Nico hesitated. If he were vague, he'd end up describing Percy- black hair, green eyes, bright smile. "She has short wavy dark hair, pale skin with freckles, light green eyes, she's short." His father waited. "She's pretty." The smile couldn't stay off Azrael's face. "Oh, God, Dad! Come on guys let's go."

Hazel stood, following him, and Frank followed her. They were finally official, and held hands as they walked to the car. Jules was already waiting to drive them. Melody was already at Silena's.

"Oh, wait, I forgot my change of clothes," Nico said. He went back inside, narrowly avoiding more of his dad's questions, and raced up the stairs.

As soon as he opened it he felt overwhelmed with sadness. He could see Percy's devastated face anytime he closed his own eyes. He still heard the fearful tremor that accompanied anything Percy said. His chest felt heavy with the reminder of the horrible things he's told Percy, knowing they would tear him apart. He sat on his bed, attempting to breathe normally.

Vaguely, Nico wondered if it ever crossed Percy's mind that he was lying through his teeth. Or that Nico had to be careful to never look him in the eyes- forehead, always the forehead. Did not talking all summer bother him? Of course it did. But Nico was afraid. Was he choosing Melody over his friendship? It seemed that way, but no. Nico only wanted to push those feelings away. Was he still afraid? So very much. Of everything. Even being too close to Percy made Nico fear he'd falter and the image he's worked so hard on would crumble down.

And the last thing Percy said.... That cut through Nico worse than anything. How could he ever take that back? How long would Percy keep it with him? Who could blame him? Percy watched his mother get hit for so long, feared the sounds and the man. He was so completely enraptured with Nico. And what did Nico do? Hit him. After everything, he hit him.

"Nico?" Nico's head shot up and he saw Hazel standing worriedly at the doorframe. "You okay?"

He shook his head in response. "I keep remembering. I was horrible to him. You didn't see his face. And the way he started pleading with me.... It tore me apart."

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