Ch. 18- Better Than Me

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AN: Shorter filler because it was pointed out that the last chapter wasn't exactly fair. I'll make up for the bad ending tomorrow. The next chapter is prewritten and I'm excited because SHITS GONNA GO DOWN.


Ally xoxo

November 28, 2011 (freshmen; 14 years old; Percy)

Of course Percy was grounded. Of course nearly everyone who'd gone to Thanksgiving dinner was pissed at him.

Even after explaining to Mom- while leaving out the fact that Nico would cover for him- she wouldn't excuse his behavior. She called it "overreacting" which only made Percy angrier. And his father was listening and nodding, but when he tried to butt it, Percy shut him up. Regardless of the illusion that his parents were together, Percy knew they weren't. He knew his father had missed out on a lot, and suddenly coming around didn't fix that.

Tyson had been the only one to talk to Percy regularly. "I know why," he said. He looked at Percy with one large, babyish, brown eye and one milky white. "Nico makes you happy. I know it. Like Annabeth. But more. So you got mad."

Considering that he was not only right, but the only who would talk to him like he wasn't a disappointment, Percy didn't correct him.

Annabeth hadn't messaged him. She said she'd talk to him at school. Percy wasn't allowed to go see her.

Apologizing to Mr. Azrael had been the hardest. The coal black eyes bore into him so angrily. He'd been hoping to impress Dahlia and her mother. Then Percy and Will just blew it. He wasn't even allowed to go over to Nico's the rest of that week.

And boy did Percy want to. What happened the last time he was there still threw him off.

Had he really almost kissed Nico? And had Nico almost let him? What did that mean? He wanted so badly to talk to him, but Mom had restricted him from contact with anyone after the fighting fiasco until school started back up. Percy planned to talk to Nico on the bus, though he wasn't sure about what exactly.

It's not like you went up to your best friend and asked, "Hey so remember how we almost kissed? So do we like each other or...?" Right?

The problem was... Percy woke up late and missed the bus. So he had to get Mom to drive him to school.

Since Dad had left that weekend, she seemed a little off. Like when you take a sudden nap and wake up a bit later, totally confused and wondering what year it is. Only for Mom, it lasted throughout the day, not only until she splashed her face with water and checked her phone.

As Percy started getting out of the car, he turned in his seat and hugged her. "I love you, Momma." She hugged him back and then Percy left the car.

Nico was the first one he was trying to find. He went to his usual place in the hallway and saw Annabeth and Nico sitting along the wall. Nico had Twilight in his hands and wary expression on his face, while Annabeth talked excitedly, probably trying to persuade Nico to read it.

Percy looked at both of them and felt torn apart. He liked both of them so much. And they were so alike too. He didn't want to hurt Annabeth. He didn't want her to misunderstand and think that Percy never felt anything for her.  But he also wanted to be with Nico if he let him. In that moment he wondered if he'd even be able to let Annabeth go if he was with Nico.

Percy wasn't sure what to do. Neither of them had noticed him yet. He started to walk toward them when he saw the annoyingly familiar sandy blond hair make its way to them. Nico looked up in slight shock which turned to apathy. Annabeth looked up too, but when she glanced away, she saw Percy.

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