Ch. 10- I'm Just A Kid

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-Simple Plan

April 8, 2011 (age 13 eighth grade; Nico)

It was another typical Friday. Percy and Nico were in Nico's room comparing music. Nico liked mellow things, like an English band called Mumford and Sons, whereas Percy seemed to like edgier sounds with a lot of drumming and guitars.

"You should really listen to these songs, Neeks," Percy said shoving his phone into Nico's face.

"I'm not interested in your goddamn brain washing rock," Nico answered, shoving his arm away.

"Chill out, Gramps, it's just Fall Out Boy. And you play bass! They have some sick songs, man." Nico rolled his eyes and continued reading Eragon as Percy played the drum on his own lap. After a moment of easy silence- besides the rhythmic buzzing of the music through Percy's earphones- Percy hesitantly started to say,"Uh, Neeks, I have a favor to ask."

Nico clenched his jaw, knowing what was coming next. "Again?" He looked up at Percy who made a face resembling a baby seal. "What?"

"It's just, me and Annabeth haven't gone on a date in a while-"

"Well, you're thirteen," Nico interrupted.

"-and I was hoping I could tell my mom I was working with you on the history project." Nico glared at him. Percy and Annabeth started dating at the beginning of eighth grade, much to Nico's incomprehensible disdain, and Sally had limited him to one date a month. Which made sense since he was only thirteen, Nico thought. Still, Percy liked seeing Annabeth outside of school on more occasions, and this landed Nico in the position of being the cover up. "I'll be back soon to actually work on it."

"If you paid attention, you'd know that I finished the project already," Nico answered wearily.

"Mom doesn't need to know that." Percy moved toward Nico and nudged him so Nico would look at him. "Please? I know I owe you a lot already, but come on man. I really like her."

Nico took a breath and shrugged. "It's whatever," he lied. "Does that mean you're spending the night later?" Percy nodded. "Alright, I'll lay out the blankets for you." Soon after he started dating Annabeth, Percy would sleep over but ask for a separate place to sleep. He took the floor because it "wasn't fair to Nico to have to sleep on the floor when he was covering for him." Nico didn't let him know how it hurt his feelings (partly because he wasn't sure why it should).

Percy had made more friends in school. He had Silena Beauregaurd, the queen bee; Charles Beckendorf, the jock; Travis and Connor Stoll, the pranksters; Rachel E. Dare, the artistic badass; and even Clarisse La Rue, the bully to an extent. These were added to the list of people Percy was already friends with like Annabeth, the only other person giving Nico a run for his money on top grades, and Grover, who Percy had known from a young age. Slowly, Percy started spending his free time with them. They'd go out to skate or walk around the mall or just to eat pizza. The guys would go over to Percy's and hang out to watch sports or something, so Nico would stay in his own house playing one of his guitars, reading, or doing homework. He considered himself an introvert, and he knew he made the others slightly uncomfortable. It wasn't his fault that their behavior was somewhat intriguing.

Percy was just a likeable person, and Nico was not.

Percy had dark messy hair and bright green eyes. His voice was already changing and he was comfortable with it. If his voice squeaked, he laughed at himself. He swam a lot. He was playful, a jokester, and kind to anyone he met. He was amiable and outgoing.

Nico on the other hand was always in a mood, never talked to anyone and ignored them with his books or cards. He hated having to speak up. His voice hadn't changed yet and he was still the shortest in his class. He'd become paler than most others since he preferred to stay inside. Nico didn't like playing or singing for anyone besides his father, Sally, and Percy.

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