Ch. 12- Simple As This

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-Jake Bugg

August 18, 2011 (Percy's 14th birthday; Percy)

Summer was boring without Nico. Sure he spent the weekend with Annabeth, but other than that it sucked. There was nobody to fill the days with intriguing facts, celestial songs, melodic music, or a vivacious voice reading a story aloud.

The summer started off tense, as Dad stopped by and dropped Tyson off. He stayed for less than an hour since Percy refused to talk to him. Percy had to share his room with Tyson, which bothered him. He tried to remember what Nico had said about being nice. But Percy couldn't help the resentment he felt when he looked at Tyson.

Percy was on the verge of falling asleep when his phone rang. He looked at the name and immediately answered. "Nico, hey."

"Hey, sleepy head, falling asleep already?" came the wonderful voice on the other end, half a world away. Thank God for phones.

"Yeah, I know it's crazy. It's barely midnight. But I'm exhausted."

Nico hummed. "I'll keep it short then; happy birthday!"

Percy laughed. "I don't mind if you keep me awake. Besides we haven't talked for a whole week."

"Crazy, huh?" Nico chuckled. "It's seven in the morning here. I've got to say, Perce, I'm fucking tired of Italy. Everyday it's get in the gondola, and everywhere you go there's water it's like a freaking flood. And this house is so fancy it hurts my freaking eyes. There's not a single bland spot, everywhere there's a pattern or color. Oh my God, Percy I need to go home. I miss my bed, my yard, my boring little house, the lake, you, Sally." There was a small pause and Percy realized he was smiling. He puckered his mouth to make it go away. "Sorry, I didn't mean to ramble. I'm just homesick."

"No it's okay," Percy answered smiling again. "I miss you too, man. When are you coming back?"

Nico hummed and Percy could imagine him biting his thumb. "I don't know. Probably by Saturday. What are you doing for your birthday?"

"We're going to hang out at the Lotus Lounge. Pizza and games and go-karts."

"Aw, no dragons then?"

"Nope." Percy laughed and bit his lip. There was silence, but it was nice. It was nice just to know he was on the other side of the line. "You're not falling asleep on me, are you, Neeks?"

"Hm, no, that's impossible I'm in Italy," Nico answered. "No, I'm awake."

"Smartass," Percy mumbled. "Anyway, has anything happened with that girl?"

"Drew?" Nico asked. "No. I don't like her like that. I mean she's pretty- she could be a fucking model- but I just don't like her. She's a good friend, but that's it." Percy suppressed the weird relieved and smug feeling he got. "And she said it too, she sees me as a friend."

Percy bit his lip again before asking, "Nico have you ever liked anyone?"


Percy took a breath, but he didn't know why he was getting this anxious. "Well, I've never heard you talk about anyone. You've never mentioned liking anybody or anything."

"Oh. No, I guess I haven't. I'm just not looking for any of that. Really I just wanted to get through school." Percy hummed, not really sure what to say. "How are you and Annabeth?" Nico asked.

"Good. Mom likes her. Her mom doesn't like me though."

"You've met her mom?"

"Uh-huh. I went over for her birthday. Something about not being good enough for her. And I think she knows my dad and she thinks I'll be the same jackass." Percy frowned. "Didn't really care until she brought Dad up. I had to leave early."

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