Ch. 65- Hazy

938 47 70

~Rosi Golan

Dont hold me accountable for anything I'm not a professional okay :)

September 13, 2014

Silena's parties were always pretty big when she actually invited people. But Nico hadn't expected the house to look so full.

He went inside and pushed past people until he made it to the kitchen. Of course that seemed to be the place to go for a drink, but Nico didn't want one. There was a lot of bustling as a group of seniors took a cooler to be closer to them.

"Hey, man you gonna play beer-pong?" one of them asked.

"Maybe later," Nico answered. The guy nodded and towed the cooler away. "How the hell does she get this much beer and liquor...?"

"I'm a girl. And I give a generous tip," a voice said behind him. He turned and saw Silena with Beckendorf beside her. "Nice of you to make it."

"You know I can't help but think of the first time you came to a party here. And how different you were," Beckendorf said.

"Yeah, let's not dwell on that," Nico said feeling uncomfortable with the memory. "Has Percy gotten here yet?"

"Yeah, he was setting up the speakers in the living room a while ago. Football team probably stole him away."

Nico frowned. "Speaking of, I need to find that guy that hit Percy's ass."

"Dude," Beckendorf said with a chuckle. "It's football. People, especially teammates do that."

"Doesn't mean I like it," Nico muttered. "I'm going to go find him. Catch up with you guys later." They nodded and turned away. Nico heard a crash and a round of raucous laughter.

From further into the house, he heard the school fight song getting shouted rather than sung. He followed the sound and saw the football team, wearing their clean jerseys and joking around, bouncing and moving to the rhythm of the music. The cheerleaders were still in their outfits and scattered amongst the team.

Much to his frustration and annoyance, he saw Callie in her stupid, short little cheerleader outfit next to Percy who had changed from his football gear into dark blue jeans and the clean jersey. He seemed to be enjoying whatever conversation he was having with Callie, and suddenly Nico was reconsidering that drink.

But he stayed put because he knew Percy didn't like when he drank, even if he wasn't getting drunk.

It wasn't until Nico heard the song change into a couple's dance and he saw Percy offering to dance with Callie that he decided to interfere.

"There you are," he greeted, sliding his arm around Percy's side and kissing him on the cheek. "Great game tonight. I still don't understand it, but you were great!" Percy laughed while Callie hid her sneer behind a can of Coca-Cola.

"I've been on the team how long? And you still haven't bothered to figure out the game?" Nico smiled and pulled him closer. "Hey I was just about to dance with Callie, so-"

"Actually, Percy, I have to use the restroom. And I'm going to see if I can find Rachel, she wanted to tell me something. Thank you though." She smiled and began to make her way through the crowd.

Nico looked after her as she left. In fact, a lot of people looked after her, boys and girls alike. But while they stared with desire or envy, Nico stared with anger. Until Percy sighed beside him. He turned to look at him, and found him staring after Callie with worry.

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