Ch. 38- Only Hope

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AN- Please please please comment! Also, please enjoy this filler chapter of just cute percico cuddling. 

Happy readings! Ally xoxo

November 17, 2012

They were at the lake. Nico's hand was intertwined with Percy's. For a while, they listened to the rain hit the lake and drip from the trees.

The walk from the cemetery had been silent, except for Percy's call to Sally. He explained that he'd found Nico, but they needed to talk. Percy didn't say where.

Finally, Percy broke the silence. "I'm really confused," he said as he stared at their hands.

"Ask me anything, and I'll answer," Nico promised. "Honestly."

After a moment of hesitation, Percy asked, "So... what happened? I mean... all of a sudden you...."

"I got tired of lying to myself. Of trying to force myself to be someone I'm not. It was too painful." Nico kept his eyes on Percy. But Percy just stared at their hands. "I've liked you for a very long time..... I was just too afraid to let myself." Percy's cheeks turned red.

He waited a while. Then Percy asked, "If you like me... then why all those girls? Why did you stop talking to me for so long? Why did you say the things you said?"

Nico grimaced. He couldn't blame Percy for remembering all of that. "I didn't want to be the way I was. You were with Rachel. I figured you didn't care. Drew helped me with my wardrobe so I could be confident. And it was just easier to tell myself I didn't like you if I wasn't around you. And everything I said, I said because I knew it would make you go away. I wanted you to go away, because if you stayed, I would never get over you. But then.... Then I almost lost you... and I didn't want to be away from you anymore." He reached over and tilted Percy's face to look at him. Percy's captivating gaze held Nico's. "That's why I was always such a dick. It was the only way I could... remind myself to stay distant."

Percy looked him in the eyes. "You confused me so much, you know?" Nico looked away sheepishly. "Why are you so afraid? You know my mom is okay with it. You know most of our friends are cool with it. Your dad doesn't seem to care that I'm bisexual.... I mean he thinks it's a stage, but still."

Nico pulled his hand away and took a breath. He closed his eyes and thought back to last Christmas. What if his father made Percy go away? He wanted to be with Percy. He really did. But if his father knew, who was to say he wouldn't force them apart? And what about people at school? How badly would he get teased? Sure he could beat anyone up if they told him something, but that didn't mean the words wouldn't affect him. Faggot, abomination, disgusting, abnormal, and the jokes they would make. He was finally confident.... Hearing those words would only tear him down again.

Why was he such a coward?

"Nico?" Percy asked. "Nico, what is it?" He sounded wary.

Without looking at him, Nico asked, "Do you want to know how I got the scar on my back?" Percy hesitated before nodding, which Nico could see out of his peripheral vision. "When Will and I were friends," he began. And he told Percy the story.

He explained that Will had made it seem okay. He made Nico feel normal. He told Percy about the breakdown on Christmas Eve and how Will was the one who was there to comfort him. How he told Nico that he liked him and then later gave him a kiss.

Then he told Percy about Azrael coming home and the rage in his eyes. About how he almost hurt Will and when Nico tried to stop him, he actually hurt Nico.

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