Ch. 26- Sorry

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Still don't have my laptop guys. But hey, my birthday's coming up!! Next Thursday, August 6th! I'm excited, I'll be 17! I am sixteen, going on seventeen, i know that i'm naive. Sound of Music anyone? Ah well, I think I'll update one more before my bday then idk. But when I get back home, it might be every other day. I promise they'll get together soon. That's why i think I won't split the chapter in half anymore as long as you don't mind the length. 

Anyways, please please comment. Happy readings! -Ally xoxo

May 19, 2012 (overlaps Nico's; Percy pov)

Nico brought Hazel in and Azrael stood quickly to let her sit. Dahlia looked worried and lost. Percy felt guilt and fear creep up on him.

"Hazel, what happened?"

Hazel looked around at everyone. Seeing the panic on Percy's face, she said, "I-I'm sorry. I didn't think so many people would be here. I should g-go." She stood, but Azrael made her sit again.

"What happened?" he insisted. "You're safe here."

Hazel explained and Percy sympathized. It was her mother. She was known as the Witch of the West by people in school. They did live on the west side. Miss Marie had gained a lot of fame for her voodoo witch antics. The antics which now made Hazel fear for her life. But Percy still began to chew on his nails nervously.

"Azrael, who is this?" Dahlia asked as she attempted to soothe Hazel.

"Her name is Hazel. She's-"

"She's our friend," Percy interrupted, hoping Azrael would catch his clue.

He received a look of annoyance from the man which made Percy wince. "Yes. And the woman she speaks of.... It's her mother. She threw a tantrum when Hazel got home. She's scared for her own safety. That's it. In the morning, we'll get your things- no as a matter of fact, we won't. You stay here from now on, okay? All your books and clothes and everything, I'll buy it all back. You'll be safe here."

"Whoa, Papa, you can't.... There's no spare rooms," Nico said. His father gave him a look. "No! She can't take Bianca's! We haven't opened it since.... No! Hazel, I care and everything, but take my room until you find someone to go with, I'll sleep in the living room." Azrael couldn't seriously think to put Hazel in Bianca's room. Even Mom knew how much that room meant to Nico.

"No," Azrael said firmly. "She's living here."

"Azrael," Hazel said. "No. I can't."

"She can stay with me," Dahlia offered.

"You're staying here," he repeated. "You're not safe there."

"Papa, you can't do that! It's kidnapping! You'll get thrown in jail is Ms. Marie finds out!"

"Hazel, we have a spare room, stay at our place," Percy said. Mom wouldn't mind. And that way Nico wouldn't feel tricked when Azrael did tell him who she really was.

"She's staying here!" he shouted. "I won't get thrown in jail for giving my own daughter a better place to live!"

Percy saw the change in Nico. He went limp, speechless, and had this lost look in his wonderful brown eyes. Percy had seen so many emotions through those perfect eyes, but this one cut through his heart as badly as the fear in Nico's voice only a few hours earlier. He could see the gears in his head trying to understand and find logic. "Y-you adopted her?" he asked.

Their father sighed and looked at Dahlia who looked shocked as well. "Nico... Hazel-"

"Mr. Azrael," Percy said in a pleading voice. They all looked at him. Percy shook his head. "Don't." He didn't want it to be like this. Nico deserved a better time. He deserved a calm moment where it would be eased onto him.

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