Ch. 59- Don't Let Me Go

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~Harry Styles

We're going to pretend that Better Place by Rachel Platten was written by Nico okay? Okay cool. :) Also I think I make up for not updating in so long by double updating. Also- RELAX YOU HORMONAL READERS WHAT YOU ASK FOR WILL COME SOON OKIE? Love you guys so so much, thank you for sticking with me. This story is one and a half years old and so many of you have stuck with me this whole time <3


June 10, 2014

Nico had been waiting on Percy longer than he usually had to wait. He wasn't answering texts either but the place didn't look busy. He cut off the engine and went inside to see what was going on and figured he could order a Frappuccino while he was there.

He walked in and didn't see Percy, but there was someone else working. "Hey," he said. "Uh, can I get a caramel frap, please?" The guy nodded and moved away to make it. Nico moved to the area where they put finished drinks and that's when he saw Percy. He was hunched over, talking to a girl who seemed to be crying. They were hidden from the rest of the café because it was the space before the workers only area, walled off with merchandise.

Nico didn't think much of it until he saw the girl lean into Percy. Suddenly, her pale hand was against Percy's cheek and her lips were on his. Nico felt his stomach drop and he stepped back quickly, almost tripping over a toddler that was running by. "S-sorry," he stammered before he turned to leave.

He pushed through the door and shut his eyes. No. No, it wasn't what he thought it was. There was no way. Not after everything....

He ran back to his car and got inside, trying to hold down the bile that was rising in his throat. He turned the engine on and leaned against the steering wheel. Would Percy tell him? Would he pretend it hadn't happened? Which did Nico prefer? He sighed and turned the radio up, trying to drown out his thoughts.

A couple minutes later, the passenger door opened and Nico tried to clear his face of any emotion. "Hey," Percy said in a strained voice.

"How was work?" Nico answered in a tight voice

"Fine," he said quickly. Nico kept both hands on the steering wheel and kept his eyes on the road. The drive was quiet, filled only with the music from the radio. Nico pulled up to Percy's house and tried to keep his breaths steady. In his head he could only see the girl, crying, pulling his boyfriend in for a kiss.

Percy didn't get out right away. He remained seated, frozen. "Um, I have to tell you something."

"Okay," Nico said.

"M-My coworker got broken up with last night."

"Bummer," Nico said in a flat voice, staring at the skull ring on his finger.

"Um.... I.... You know how you said I never know when someone's flirting with me?" Nico looked over at Percy and saw the panicked furrow in his eyebrows. His green eyes looked at him anxiously. Slowly, Nico nodded. "Well, I guess it happened again," he whispered. "Um.... I must have given her the wrong idea or something, I don't know, but...."

"What?" Nico choked out, sounding steadier than he thought he would.

Percy put his face in his hands. "She kissed me," he said through his hands. Nico gripped the steering wheel and shut his eyes. "I went to talk to her after my shift was over and she kept crying. I kept telling her she'd be fine, that she shouldn't cry over someone who cheated on her. I told her what you tell any girl that gets cheated on, you know? How they're worth more and deserve to be treated right and.... And I guess she thought I meant it in a different way and she just.... She kissed me." Nico cleared his throat and gulped. "And I was so shocked at first that I- I think I accidentally kissed her back before I realized what was going on." Nico opened his eyes and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Nico, I didn't mean to.... I mean, you know how oblivious I can be, love, and.... God, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Nico-"

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