Ch. 5- Count On Me

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-Bruno Mars

July 9, 2006 (Eight years old; Percy)

Percy sat next to Nico as he pushed against his head. Something had triggered a memory of Maria, and he was going into a fit again. Percy was glad they didn't happen a lot like they used to after two years, but they still happened and Percy always stayed by him.

He reached out to grab his best friend's arm, but Nico shrunk away.

After a little bit, Nico sighed and looked up at Percy. "Why don't you ever go away?" he asked.

Percy felt his eyes sting. His best friend wanted him to go away. "I know I can't help you, but I don't want you to be alone.... Do you want me to go away?" he asked.

Nico looked down. "No. You're my best friend." Then after a little bit, "Thank you."

Percy smiled. "No problem." He glanced at the pile of books on the floor. "You read too much," he said. They'd only finished third grade, but Nico had already read all the Magic Treehouse books, and was even reading one called Stone Fox that made Percy's head hurt when they read it in class.

"There is no such thing," Nico said quietly. "Words are special." He smiled. "I just wish I had a real guitar because the ukulele is getting boring. I can play Somewhere Over the Rainbow and that one song on the movie with a bunch of first dates."

Percy's mouth fell open. "You're too smart, it's not fair."

"The glasses won't help," Bianca said walking in. She was wearing a pretty flower dress and the pin from Maria. She was ten now and she liked to pretend that she didn't like playing with them anymore. She painted her nails and always put her hair in a braid with fake flowers. She was pretty, but Percy saw her as his sister. Still, it was fun to make Nico mad sometimes. "Did he tell you?"

"Papa wants to take to the eye doctor because I can't see far away," Nico mumbled. "I don't want glasses."

"Hey Bianca," Percy said.

"Hey, Perce. Neeks, have you seen my other shoe?"

"No why would I? You never even let me in your room." Bianca huffed. "Where are you going?"

"Daddy's taking me to Zoe's house. We're going to put on a fashion show." Nico made a face. "Don't ask then!"

Nico stuck his tongue out at her and Percy told himself not to laugh. Then he said, "Bianca's so pretty."

Nico turned to glare at him. "You're not supposed to like girls yet, they're gross. And she's my sister! You're not allowed to like her. Ever, ever, ever!"

"I didn't say I liked her." Nico rolled his eyes. "I think I lo-ove her," he said.

"Percy that's gross!" Nico screamed. "No! You're not allowed to like her! Ever!"

Percy just laughed. "Aw, you know I'm just pretending, Neeks. It's not really real."

"Let's go play with Leo," Nico said. They saw Bianca in the hall but Nico pushed Percy before Percy could pull more tricks. "Go," Nico said when they got to the door.

Nico was still shy around everyone else besides him, Mr. Azrael, Bianca, Sally, and Leo. Percy always had to do the talking. "Mrs. Callida?" Percy yelled. "Can Leo come over to play?" Leo peeked through the window.

"Tia Callida! Percy and Nico are here! Can I go play? Yes I promise! Yes!" Leo ran out and stopped in front of Nico and Percy. "Hi guys," he said.

"Hey!" Percy said. "What do you want to play?"

Leo shrugged. "Anything."

Nico tugged on Percy's arm. "Who's that man?" Nico asked.

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