Ch. 4- Slipped Away

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-Avril Lavigne

February 24, 2005 (Seven Years Old; Nico)

Ever since kinder, Nico and Percy sat together. They just always worked better that way. And the teachers didn't mind. Nico was the quiet one who excelled in his schoolwork, while Percy was the more hyper and distracted of the two. Usually, Nico was helping Percy with his homework, because he wouldn't listen if Sally was the one trying to explain.

Nico, Bianca, and Percy were always together, either spending the night, playing at each other's house, or walking to and from school. The summer after kindergarten, they'd gone to watch Finding Nemo. The summer after that, they went to watch The Incredibles. Their holidays had always been happy and full of laughter. Nico and Bianca even got help from Papa to buy Mamma a pretty yellow necklace on a thin gold chain with their pictures inside. One side had Nico, Bianca, Mamma, and Papa. The other had Percy, Sally, and Caspian.

Things had become a comfortable, happy routine. Come home to sweets, do homework, watch movies, play outside or inside, go to bed. On weekends, the parents would all get together and take them to the zoo, or the museum, or the park, or to a fast food restaurant where they'd play in the kids' play area.

Now Nico and Percy were in second grade.

"Okay, bambi, I don't want you taking off your beanie until you get inside the school. And when you get out, put it back on. I don't want you to catch a cold," Mamma said. "Bianca, my love, zip the jacket up all the way. Yes, there you go. All nice and warm." She smiled at her two children. It was that smile that Nico loved to see. It made him feel safe and warm. "Okay, now just wait on Percy."

Not even a second after she said that, the doorbell rang. "Hi, Percy," Nico and Bianca said in unison. "Hi, Bianca, hi, Nico!" he answered. "I wish they cancelled school. It's so cold and I don't like all this stuff on me."

He hobbled in a circle, making the di Angelo children snicker. Percy was wearing a thick jacket that made him look twice his weight, a thick wool scarf wrapped around his neck so that he couldn't look down, and beanie with flaps to cover his ears. "I feel stupid," he muttered.

"Perseus, language!" Sally said.

"Sorry, Momma." Percy looked at his friends. "Do you think it'll snow?"

Mamma smiled. "Maybe. You never know with Mezzodor. Okay kids, time to go to school. When you get home, I'll have some warm fudge brownies, yes?"

"Yes!" the trio said. "Goodbye, Mamma, I love you," Bianca said hugging her tightly. She gave her a kiss on the cheek and bounded to the doorway. "Goodbye, Mamma. See you after school!" Nico said hugging her. She tried to kiss his forehead and pull his beanie on better, but he ducked, not wanting a red stain on his face. She laughed at him and he took Bianca's hand by the door. "Bye-bye Mrs. Maria di Angelo," Percy said, accepting a kiss on his hair.

Then Sally walked the three of them to school where the three said goodbye to her as well. Percy and Nico raced to their class and waved to Bianca.

Their teacher this year was a woman named Mrs. Serena. She was very pretty, Nico thought. She was nice and silly. She was always wearing sparkly jewelry and didn't even wear make-up. At least Nico didn't think she did. Sometimes she dabbed on a bit of concealer before taking them to gym.

After social studies, they started reading. Nico knew Percy didn't like this part, so he gave him one of his stickers that said Good job! Nico loved the reading part of class. Percy said he didn't like it because the letters looked funny and moved around. When Nico told Mamma and Papa, they said maybe Percy had dyslexia. Nico wrote down the word and told Percy the next day. Percy didn't like having dyslexia. But he smiled at the sticker.

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