Ch. 37- Stressed Out

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~Twenty One Pilots

AN: Please comment and vote and share! Enjoy <3 

Wednesday November 14, 2012

He hated this. He hated what he had become. Was there any way to go back after being this far in his own lie?

He hated the taste of her. He hated the feeling of her lips, her hands, her body.

She wasn't ugly. Samantha was a beautiful freshman girl with light olive skin, shiny brown hair that fell in waves past her shoulders, and kind light brown eyes. Every single one of her features blended together perfectly. She never wore make-up- thank God. Nico hated cleaning lipstick smears off his mouth.

Samantha was smart. In everything except math. That's the only class Nico had her for. After receiving a failed test, she hesitantly asked Nico for help, and now here they were, in his room, not studying.

This was stupid to do. Nobody was even home to restrict anything. Dad was at work. Dahlia was in her apartment- ever since she and Dad made it official, she wouldn't work for them... again. Hazel was staying afterschool and Frank was supposed to pick her up. Jules-Albert was buying the groceries for the week.

Hearing her rapid, unsure breaths was making him nervous.

"Hey," he said pulling away. "We don't have to do anything." If he were completely honest, he was trying to beg her to stop.

Her cheeks were flushed and she looked up at him, biting her lip. "No, it's fine. I'm okay." And she pressed her lips to his again.

As much as Nico tried to at least pretend to enjoy it, he couldn't. She wasn't... him. Kissing her didn't make Nico forget where he was and who he was supposed to be. It didn't make everything melt away or make Nico feel like nothing mattered.

Her hands shakily went to his belt and his heart went into overdrive. No, no, no, he thought. When she'd unbuckled him, her hands tugged his shirt upward. Nico broke the kiss to stop her, but she took the chance to pull his shirt over his head.

How exactly was he supposed to stop this without getting her upset? He didn't want to embarrass her. He'd learned that lesson with the first one... Melody was it? Nico had gone through so many, he forgot who he did what with. The fact made his stomach churn.

She lifted her head, a sign Nico knew meant kiss my neck. So he did. He hated it. Her skin was salty and a little bitter from the perfume she'd used. Her hands went to her own shirt as she unbuttoned it and she guided Nico's hand to rest on her breast. Nico would never understand male attraction to boobs. They were just awkward lumps and he was tired of having to touch them.

She moved his head so they were kissing again. As he kissed her and felt her hands roam his body and felt her flesh under his hands, he prayed for someone to walk in. He didn't care if he got yelled at or grounded until he went to college. He just wanted to stop. He needed someone to stop this.

Anyone, please, for the love of God, he pleaded.

The door opened. When Nico pulled away, he immediately took back his plea.

Anyone but him.

The look in those perfect green eyes tore Nico apart. Samantha turned away and started hastily buttoning her shirt, using her hair to hide her face. Nico started tugging the small hair at the back of his neck.

"Sorry," Percy mumbled as he closed the door and left.

"Shit," Nico muttered, buckling his belt back and grabbing his shirt from the floor as he followed. He tugged it on, nearly tripping down the stairs as he did. "Percy?" he called. He could hear his rapid steps as he made his way for the door. "Percy!" Nico called, barely getting to the bottom as Percy opened he front door. He raced over to Percy, tugging him by the arm to stop him. Percy shoved his arms off, looking exhausted. "Percy."

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