Troublesome Pokemon

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"Finally..." Me and my friends walk into Vermillion City, all tired and hungry. Luis: "Where is the food?" Rylee: "How do you expect me to know?" We eventually find a pokemon center and decide to heal and rent a room for the night.

Rylee: "I'm going to get groceries. Who wants to come with me?" Luis then jumps up. Luis: "I do!" I sit up on my bed. "Do you have enough to get some? I have some extra money from some battles if you need it." Rylee shakes her head. Rylee: "Thank you, but I have enough money for now." Luis: "Then I'll buy some snacks! You buy dinner and some other food we can take in for the road." Rylee: "Um... sure, yeah, we can do that." Luis jumps into the air. Luis: "Alright!" Then two then leave. "Well, i guess i could let you guys out..." I send out my pokemon, and they start to lay down on the floor.

I then hear my phone buzz. I pick my phone up and see that my sister: Olivia, is calling me. "Hello?" Olivia: "Hi. Mother wanted to talk to you but her phone died." "Oh...ok, well, what is it?" I then hear multiple voices talk at the same time, blocking each other out. "Wait... what happened?" Mom: "Hello Sonny." I sigh. "Hi, mom." I stomach growls. Mom: "Are you ok? I thought i heard your stomach growl." "That was my stomach..." Mom: "Well, are you gonna get food? You need to eat." I get odd my bed and look through the blinds. "Na, my friends just left to go get some food." Olivia: Friends?" I scoff. "You act like i don't have any. But, yeah, their names are Rylee and Luis." Mom: "Rylee? Luis? Who are they?" "... My friends..." I slap my face. Mom: "Well... that's good." Vee then tugs in my shirt. "Anyways...Vee wanted to talk to you guys." I give Vee the phone, and she sits down on the bed as if she was having a real conversation with them. I then turn around to see Ben, Flora, and Pixy join Vee. They start to mess with the phone, and they accidentally hang up. "Good job." I give a thumbs up to my pokemon.

A few minutes later...

Luis: "Were here!" Rylee opens the door, and I see both of my friends walk in with bags in both of their hands. Rylee: "I hope we didn't take long." They set the bags on the bed and start to take some of the groceries out. Luis then grabs something and puts it in the air with biht of his hands. Luis: "I got Oreos!" Both me and Rylee look at him. Rylee: "Wait, you got Oreos?" "Sweet!" I jump out of bed. Luis rips open the package and grabs some oreos. I grab one, and before I could put it in my mouth, Rylee grabs my wrist. Rylee: "Wait, guys! Shouldn't we eat actual food before we eat any snacks?" I don't say anything bit stare at her before I toss my Oreo into my mouth. Rylee sighs. Rylee: "Whatever-" Rylee then grabs something from her bag and walks to a desk. "Thank you, Luis!" I take another Oreo and eat it. Luis nods. Then, the rest of my pokemon attack the oreos. Luis and Me: "NO WAIT!"

After struggling to get the oreos, we only end up with 4 left. Luis: "Aw man -" I sigh. "Sorry. I guess my pokemon were hungry too..." Rylee then walks in with a slice of pizza. "How'd you get that?!" Luis and I jump up. Rylee: "I microwaved a slice... it's ok, i guess." Me and Luis then run to the desk and grab a slice of cold pizza. Rylee: "You know you guys are a lot to handle, right?" Me and Luis turn around. "We are?" Luis: "Thanks for the pizza!" Rylee nods. We are? Well, I mean... she is actually right now that I think about it...

After finishing our pizza, Luis and I walk back to our beds, and Rylee walks out of the restroom with some pink pajamas on. Rylee: "So. Wanna watch a movie?" Rylee then grabs a few movies from the bag. Luis: "Oh Yeah!" "Movies?" Rylee giggles. Rylee: "Now which one should we watch first?" Rylee then spread the 4 movies on her bed. Me and Luis get off ours and go to Rylee's. "Hmmm... How about Brycen-Man?" Rylee and Luis look at the movie. Luis: "Sounds good to me. I know Pokestar Studios always makes good movies." Rylee: "Sure." Rylee then gets the disc and puts it in the DVD player, and we all get settled to watch the movie.


At the end of the movie, me and my friends start to put away the snacks. Rylee: "That was so good." Luis: "Yeah! The battles were the best part!" "That helped me with some battle strategies..." My friends turn to me. Rylee: "How could you be thinking about battling during a movie!?" Luis sighs. Luis: "I should've thought of that. Thanks for the idea, Ethan!" Me and Luis high five. Rylee: "You guys gotta be kidding me..."

We go to bed for the night afterwards...

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