Tms and Training

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Me and Rylee eventually get to the Tm shop. When we step inside we see a few other people with a Movie disc in their hands. Rylee: "Well whenever you are ready." Both me and Rylee Glance at eachother and walk in. We wait in line for about 4 minutes before it is our turn. The man: "Hello kids." Vee jumps onto the desk. "Hey, Vee." I grab Vee. "Sorry. Um, well... do you guys have any Tms?" The whole shop gets quiet. The man sighs. The man: "Kid. This is called a Tm shop for a reason." I look at Rylee nervously. "Um... Well what do you guys have?" The man then hands me a piece of paper. The man: "Here. Look over this and when you are done, you can come back." I nod. "Right." Me and Rylee walk away. "Why am I so awkward?" Vee and Rylee sigh. Rylee: "Um... I don't know?" I give Vee to Rylee and check over the list.

A few minutes later...

"Well, I'm back..." I hand the guy the paper back to him. I circled the Tms I wanted for my pokemon and give him Pixy, Flora, and Ben. The man: "Alright. Lemme check the cost." He puts in some numbers into a computer. The man: "Ok that will be about 1900" I grab my wallet. "Um... I think this enough." I hand him the money and the guy looks over it. The man: "Well here is the change, and I will start the Tm process." He hands me money and takes my pokemon with him behind a door. Rylee: "... You really going to let him take you pokemon?" I nod. "Yup. I trust him." Rylee: "What of he is a thief?" I shrug. "Well he won't get far. I have Vee, and Max. Also you." Rylee and I sit down next to the door. Rylee: "Anyways. I guess we wait." Vee jumps onto Rylee's laps, and starts to fall asleep. Rylee smiles and pets Vee. "I bet it is comfortable on your... lap." Both me and Rylee look at eachother. Just by looking at eachother we knew what we were both thinking. "Sorry. I didn't mean it like that." Rylee: "It's... it's ok." Rylee looks down to Vee and continues to pet her.

The man: "Done!" Both me and Rylee look up for the 5th time. "I will be right back." I stand up and walk over the desk. "Thank you." The man: "Your welcome. I hope you guys have a nice day." He waves me goodbye and I walk back to Rylee. "I guess we go to the Dojo now." Rylee picks up Vee (Who is asleep) and stands up. Rylee: "Ok. Wake up Vee." Vee yawns and looks up at me and Rylee, half-alseep. "Alright, let's go."

After a little while we find the Dojo. The Dojo is pretty big. "Well me made it." Rylee sighs. Rylee: "About time. It is starting to get dark." Vee jumps out of her arms, and runs in as some people open the door. Rylee: "Vee wait-" Me and Rylee follow her inside. "What the!?" When I look inside it looks crowded. Some other people start to shove and try to move forward. "Uh... Vee where are you?!" I start to move through the crowd only to get pushed back by some people. "Ack!" I fall down on my butt. "Hey! That hurt!" A Guy: "Shuddup kid!" I stand up. Rylee: "You ok?" I nod, although it isn't true. "Yeah, I guess..." I brush myself off. "Ok. Imma try again!" I try but I get flung back. Thankfully Rylee grasps my arm before I fall down. People start shouting and before we know it some people start fighting. Rylee: "Okaaay..." We take a few steps back. I then spot Vee jumping on people's shoulders until she gets to me. "Vee!" Rylee: "Don't scare us like that..."

We find away around the crowd and get into the main part if the Dojo. "Alright!" Rylee: "Woah, this is a lot of room!" The Dojo was closed in by a wall, which they call the "buidling." Me and Rylee stand there in awe. "This place looks cool!" I run forward and look at the people before me having a battle. The pokemon in this battle was a Hutmomchan and Hitmonlee. Both pokemon were fighting about evenly matched, until the Hitmomchan used Counter in the Hitmonlee's Mega Kick. The hitmonlee was flung back and fainted. Rylee: "I never seen that move." The two guys walk forwards and shake hands. "Hey! Can you teach me how to battle like that?! I only saw glimpse of the battle, but it seemed epic." One of the guys nod to the other and leave. The one who won smiles. Bruno: "Hm... Sure. I have extra time anyways. My name is Bruno, what is yours?" Bruno sticks his hand out. "My name is Ethan. Nice to meetcha Bruno." I shake his hand. Rylee walks forward with Vee. Rylee: "My name is Rylee. I'm friends with Ethan." Bruno nods to both of us. Bruno: "So shall we get started Ethan?" "Yeah! Let's go!"

Bruno and I stand on each side of the field. "Alright! I'm ready!" Bruno chuckles. Bruno: "Ok then! Let's see what you got!" Rylee: "Let the battle begin!" Bruno and I throw a pokeball out onto the battlefield. The pokemon he chose was Onix, while I chose Max. I throught he was going to go with Hitmonchan... oh well. This is fine anyways! "Max use Magical Leaf!" Bruno: "Use Sand Tomb! Then use Tomb!" Onix sets the sand Tomb infront of itself. The magical leaves gets sucked up, and Onix unleashes a Rock Tomb from above. "Max use Encore and make a wall above you!" Max makes a invisible wall which blocks the attack from above it. Bruno: "So you used Encore huh? Well then let's just continue to use Rock Tomb!" More rocks falls above Max. The pile only grew and eventually Max gets surrounded by rocks. "Max use Psybeam!" Max breaks a hole through the rocks. "Now use Magical Leaf!" Now that it can't use Sand Tomb, Magical Leaf will hit!
The Magical Leaf hits Onix, and it moves back. Bruno: "Great attack choices! Onix use Sand Tomb!" Onix rushes forward and releases the Sand Tomb onto Max. "Crap!" Max along with the Rock Tombs gets sucked up into the Sand Tomb. In one hit Max faints. "That's right... he used the Rock Tombs as a decoy whole he waited to use Sand Tomb to pull them at Max." I return Max. "I guess you outsmarted me!" Bruno laughs. Bruno: "I guess so!"

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