A Shocking Suprise

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We all get up. All three of us: "Sorry about that -" we all look at each other. Luis: "Well... how are you?" Luis looks at me. "Oh, well, ok, i guess." Rylee starts to mumble something as she starts to try and fix her hair. "What about you?" Rylee looks up at me. Rylee: "Hm? What happened?" "Never mind." I help pick up Rylee's bag as she continues to try and fix her hair. Vee then jumps on Rylee's shoulder. Rylee: "Oh, hello Vee!" Rylee picks up Vee and holds her into the air.

A few minutes later...

"Well. I'm heading for the gym." My friends get out of the chairs. Rylee: "You sure? It's still raining." Vee jumps off of Rylee's shoulder and jumps onto mine. "I'll be fine." I give a thumbs up. Luis: "Well, then good luck." Rylee nods at me, and I run out into the rain.

"Dang it - My clothes are all wet again..." I walk into the gym with a puddle following behind me. Vee shakes again and sprays more water droplets onto me. "Hello?" I walk forward and notice a huge pool, with some big mats that are floating in top of it. "Is this the stage for the gym...?" Must be a water type gym with the pool and all. A then see someone rise to the surface of the pool. Misty: "Oh, hey!" She notices me and gets out of the pool. Misty: "Are you a Challenger?" "Yup." Misty then grabs a towel and Hangs it on her neck. Misty: "Ok then. Let's get started." She runs to her side of the battlefield, and I do the same.

Misty: "You can only return your pokemon 3 times. Ok? Now, Go Staryu!" Misty throws a pokeball into the water, and her Staryu then flies up onto the mat. "Ok! Go, Ben!" Ben jumps onto the mat. Misty: "Staryu! Use Camoflauge!" Staryu then disappears when it jumps into the pool. "Huh?! Where'd it go?!" Ben also is looking all over the pool, searching for Staryu. "Ok then, Ben, use Bubble!" It has to come out eventually, right? Ben releases Bubble all around it. Misty: "Use Rapid Spin!" Staryu then flies out of the pool and strikes Ben from above. "Ben!" Ben stumbles back, and staryu jumps back into the pool. Misty: "Good, Job Staryu!" Dang it...

"Oh yeah?! Ok then, let's go, Pixy!" Pixy comes out of the pokeball and lands on the mat. She then notices the water and immediately runs to the center of the mat. Misty: "Staryu use Rapid Spin!" Staryu then flies at pixy. "Now, Roar!" Pixy gives a Roar, and staryu gets sent back into the pokeball. Misty: "Ok then! Horses go!" A seahorse pokemon then lands on the mat. "Huh? Pixy use Quick Attack!" Pixy goes from mat to mat, all the way to Horsea. Misty: "Twister!" Pixy then gets sucked into the twister. "Use Roar!" Pixy then sends the Twister back at Horsea, and it gets hit by its own trap. Pixy then walks around dizzy. "Pixy, dont move!" Just as Pixy is about to fall into the water, pixy regains her balance. Misty: "Horsea!"

"Pixy now use Ember!" The Twister then stops. Misty: "Horsea, use Smokescreen!" Horsea lets out a smokescreen, and Misty's side of the battlefield is covered in smoke. Dang it. Now I can't see where my target is... Misty: "Now use Bubble!" "Pixy dodge it!" Pixy gets hit anyways and loses her balance. She falls into the water. "Pixy!" I return Pixy. Dang it! This is my last return... I reach for Flora's pokeball but hesitate. How is Flora supposed to hit the opponent if we can't see them? "Ok then! Go Vee!" Vee jumps off my shoulder and onto a floating mat. "Vee use Tackle!" Misty smiles. Misty: "Horsea Twister!" Vee then gets sucked up into the twister attack. Misty: "Horsea jumps into the water!" As the Smokescreen fades away, horsea jumps into the he water. The Twister ends. "Vee use Buzzy Buzz!" I raise my finger as high as I can and snap. In an instant, Vee shoots a bolt of electricity into the water, shocking Horsea. Misty looks at me, and Vee, confused and startled. Misty: "Horsea!" Horsea floats to the surface of the water. It fainted. "Yeah, Vee!" Vee wags her tail and faces me.

Misty: "Ha, you now make things interesting. Go Staryu!" Staryu comes out of the pokeball and lands on the mat. Man, I gotta thank that nice man for teaching Vee this special attack... I smile. "Vee now use Tackle!" Misty: "Use Water Gun!" Vee gets hit. "Now use Buzzy Buzz!" Misty: "Jump to the side!" Vee's Attack misses, but with the water around Vee, the electricity surges through every water source, and Staryu gets shocked. Misty: "Huh?" "I learned that one from Luis." I gotta thank him later, too - Staryu faints. Misty: "We'll just have to beat you right here right now then! Gyarados!" Gyarados comes out of the pokeball and splashes a wave at Vee, pushing the mats back. "Do all gym leaders have a huge snake pokemon?!" Misty: "Gyarados isn't a snake..." Vee and I get intimidated and take a step back. Misty: "Gyarados, use Surf!" Gyarados then sends a huge wave of water at Vee. "WHAT THE HECK?!" Vee gets hit by the attack and gets sweeped up to me. Once again... I get soaking wet. I look down at my feet to see Vee fainted.

"Return Vee. Now go, Ben!" Ben comes out of the pokeball and looks up. "Yeah... i know, sorry, buddy. Now Ben use Tackle!" Misty: "Surf." Ben gets sweed away to and Faints. "Pixy go!" Pixy looks up and immediately runs towards me, scared. "Eh? I'm sorry, Pixy... just try your best." Pixy looks back and slowly walks forwards back onto the mat with wobbly legs. Misty: "Surf." "Now use Roar!" As Surf gets close to Pixy, she lets our a Roar and sends it back, crashing it into Gyarados. Misty: "Ha, I forgot about Roar. Fine, then use Bite!" Pixy then panicks at Gyarados looms over her, and jumps into the water. I slap my face. "Yeah, this isn't gonna working out." Gyarados uses Thrash and Pixy faints. "Return... Now go Flora." I sigh, disappointed. Yeah, there is no way I'm actually gonna win this battle after all.

Misty: "Now lets win this with a thrash." "Dodge it!" Flora then leaps up and onto Gyarados as it nears. Gyarados then gets confused. "Sweet Scent."Gyarados smells the sweet scent and starts to let its guard down. Misty: "Gyarados!" Gyarados wacks Flora off of it with its tail. Misty: "Now, Surf!"

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