The League Begins!

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The Next Morning...

Firework pop in the sky above the Pokemon League, it's a sign of the beggining of the League.

Many people cheer from outside and they walk in. Many people and pokemon start walking the stands as the Stadium start to open up, showing the battlefield.

It's perfectly flat, like most Gym Battle floors. Even so, it's design is better and more unique, definitely showing that the battles here are gonna be good.

Speaker: "Ladies and Gentlemens! It's the moment you all have been waiting for! The POKEMON LEAGUE!!!"

Everyone cheers excitedly and the stadium gets filled with the noise of it, nothing else being able to be heard.

Speaker: "Now for those who might of not of seen the match-ups from yesterday, we have them here!"

Everyone looks at the huge screen in the stadium, but...-

With trainers from both Kanto and Johto, it looks almost impossible to see where you are. Luckily they change it from the names to the ID numbers so it can be seen easier.

There are a total of 260 people who signed up.

Speakers: "Now, yes, we have 4 extra trainers. So they will battle a trainer who won a battle in the first round. While it may not be as fair- it has to be done."

Speaker: "Now then! We have calculated the amount of total rounds there will be. So in total there will be 9 Rounds."

Speaker: "So so we decided from round 1 to 7, only 3 Pokemon can be used per battle. Then from 8 to 9, which would be the finals and the semi-finals, all 6 Pokemom can be used. If you have 6 Pokemon anyways-"

Speaker: "Now then- with everything set in stone, LET THE BATTLES BEGIN!!!"

Everyone cheers again.

I then check my Phone, which has my ID number in it. Apparently, they will send a text to you in a few battles advance when you'll be going on.

I then get a Ding and everyone else follows in a line. It's a text telling you who you'll be battling the first round.

My opponent is...

"Rylee..." I then wince and turn to Rylee. She is looking at me as well. She walks to me. Rylee: "So uh... did you get a Rylee? I got someone named Ethan." I nod and look at my phone.

I show her and she looks down. Rylee: "I guess we battle first then, huh?" I pause before nodding. "Yeah..."

Vee then wacks me and Rylee with her Tail and start trying to tell us to cheer up or something. Through her Language of course.

Rylee: "Ethan... if I lose, can Vee be one of the reasons why?" I pause and glance at Vee who nods. "Yeah. Sure thing. A odd request but sure."

She smiles at Vee and picks her up. "Yeah... though it sucks we have to face eachother in the first round." Rylee: "Yeah."

The Speakers the come on and tell the first pairs to come onto the stage.

Rylee: "The first pairs..." "Yeah... oh- And we are battle 105. So in 104 battles... it'll be our turn."

Rylee and Vee sit down and sigh. Rylee: "That'll take forever..." I sit down next to her and we look up at one of the few TV screens in the waiting room.

We watch as the two trainers battle it out, seeming almost even during their two pokemon.

Luis: "Oh- There you are!" Luis then walks up to us. Luis: "Who did you pair up with? I got this guy named Gabriel."

Me & Rylee: "We got eachother." Luis stares at us blanky before smiling. Luis: "Heh. Can't wait to see it."

Rylee: "Shut it." "Yeah, what she said." Luis shrugs and Pikachu jumps off his shoulder and lands next to Vee. Luis: "So- Wanna head out? I'm kind hungry."

"Oh. Yeah, sure." I stand up and Rylee follows after me. Luis: "Ok then. Well i was able to get some money through battling so... Foods on me."

"Hell yeah! Free food!" Rylee: "Ok- Calm down. It isn't exactly all that free." We, together, head outside and head to a snack stand. We quickly get some Hot Dogs and eat them.

Rylee: "So, Luis, what number do you have for the League?" Luis: "Huh? Like in the order of battles?" Rylee nods. Luis: "I have 49."

Rylee: "Oh cool--"

Rylee then gets interrupted as someone confronts me.

???: "I remember you." I stare at him confused. Suddenly I remember him. "Ohhh- You're that one guy I battled at Saffron City!"

Tom: "The name's Tom." He chuckles and smiles. Tom: "So you made as well. Good." I nod. "Yeah. Good for you too. I guess our little battle did some good, huh?"

Tom: "Yeah. Somewhat, thanks." Luis and Rylee just glance at me and then Tom, confused. "Ah- these are my friends: Luis and Rylee."

Rylee: "Hello." Luis: "Hey."

They wave to Tom and he waves back. Tom: "Hey. So... um, Ethan? It was Ethan right?"


Tom: "Let's battle again sometime. Think of it as a Rematch, yeah?" "You bet! Yeah!" Tom smiles and leaves as he walks over to the other guy I battled with Pyrafox.

I think his name was Victor...? If I am correct.

Well either way- I can't wait for battles are in store for me.

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