Eager Explosions

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The Next Day...

I wake up, and I look around the room. "Hm?" My friends are still asleep... Well, I guess I should get changed for the day. I changed my clothing and put my jacket on. Vee then wakes up and walks towards me. "Huh? Oh Good Morning Vee." Vee jumps onto the restroom counter. Her fur is all messed up. Vee then looks at me. "Ok, one second... lemme find it." I go to my bag and get the brush. Rylee: "Ethan?" I jump. "O-oh, it's just you. Sorry, you scared me." Rylee gets out of bed and joins Vee in the restroom. Rylee: "Ethan, can you grab my brush? My hair is all messed up..." I sigh before getting her brush. "Here." Rylee: "Thank you." I sigh and walk to my sleeping pokemon. "Guys..." I tap them, and they look up. "Who wants to go out and start training?" My pokemon sit up and stretch. Luis: "Were ready!" My Pokémon and I turn around to see Luis and his pokemon stretching. "Oh, you're awake too?" Luis: "No... i'm asleep, Ethan." Luis and his Pikachu walk out of the door. "Hey, wait for me!" Me and my pokemon run out of the door following Luis.

"So where should we train?" Luis and I look at Google maps. Luis: "Well, i mean, we can go East of Vermillion City..." "Sure, we can do that. Team, follow me." I start to walk, and everyone follows me... except for Flora, who stares into people's souls as they pass by (not literally, but she may as well have been.). Some of them even started to run when they saw her. "Flora!" Flora then turns and runs towards me. "You should stop scaring people...return." I return Flora, and Ben trips over his own feet. Luis: "Wait, let me see google Maps." I get my phone and show Luis. Luis: "So turns out, i was going the wrong direction." "You're kidding." I help ben up, and Pikachu then looks up as a jolt of electricity sparks at his cheeks. Luis: "What is it, Pikachu?" Pikachu then jumps off Luis's shoulder and starts to run to a certain direction. Luis: "Pikachu! Wait up!"

Pikachu eventually stopped running, and before we knew it, we were at a gym. Luis: "A gym?... Alright! This is the perfect training!" "Alright then! Me and Vee will battle him first!" Luis then looks around. Luis: "Wait, where is Vee?" I look around. "Oh, thats right... she wanted to get her fur fixed. Rylee must be with her right now." I pull out my phone and text her to come as soon as possible. Luis: "Well then, i guess me and Pikachu will go first instead." I groan. "Fine..." We walk into the gym and see sparks flying about from the sides. "What the- isn't this dangerous?" Luis: "Yeah, but i can see why Pikachu led us to the gym. Since Pikachu is an electric type, he can sense when electricity or other electric pokemon are nearby." Oh...well, that makes sense... "So this gym must specialize in electric types."

We then meet the gym leader here: LT. Surge. He was battling some other trainer and won. "He has a Raichu Luis. The evolution of Pikachu." Luis: "Yeah, i see that Ethan." Luis then walks forward, and Lt. Surge noticed him. Lt. Surge: "Hello! Welcome to the Vermillion City Gym! My name is Lt. Surge! What is your name?" Luis: "I'm luis." Lt. Surge smiles. Lt. Surge: "Well, you ready soldier?" Luis looks at him confused. Luis: "Soldier?" Lt. Surge: "We gonna battle kid or not?" Luis nods his head. Luis: "Yes! I do!" The two go to their side of the battlefield and start the battle.

Rylee: "Oh, Ethan!" Rylee then walks in the gym. "Hm? How'd you find me?" Rylee: "Vee smelled your scent all the way here." Rylee then holds Vee up to me. Rylee: "Anyways! I fixed Vee's fur up!" I then notice Vee's fur is groomed. Vee has apinkk bow under her left ear. Well that was nice of Rylee. "Thank you, Rylee." Rylee smiles, along with Vee. God Dang it... those two make such a cute pair... Rylee: "Also, is that Luis?" Rylee, then point past me. "Yup." I turn around and see a Magnemite explode in charmeleon's face. "WHAT THA-" Rylee: "Self-Destruct?" Self-Destruct?! Is that what that attack is called?! Vee then jumps onto my shoulder. "Welcome back, Vee."

Eventually, Luis wins with his Onix, and it's my turn.

"Dang it... i didn't prepare." Lt. Surge and I walk to our side of the field. Luis: "Good, Luck Ethan!" I give a thumbs up while a drop of sweat falls down my face. "Thank you?" I turn back to the battlefield. Lt. Surge: "Get ready, kid!" I sigh. "Too late for that now... Go, Flora!" Flora then stares at Lt. Surge. Lt. Surge then pauses. Lt. Surge: "Anyways go, Voltorb!" A pokeball looking pokemon then comes out of Lt. Surge's, pokeball... "Flora, use Sleep Powder!" Lt. Surge: "Rollout!" Voltorb then dodges the attack and rams into Flora. Flora slides back. "Oh no..." I pinch my nose, and Flora starts to give off her horrid smell. I then noticed Voltorb and Lt. Surge give off a Disgusted and Confused face. "Sorry guys... she does that sometimes... Anyways, use Sweet Scent!" Flora then releases a sweet scent that gets rid of the horrible smell. "Ahh...Now use Acid!" Flora released a purple liquid, which then sprays in Voltorb. Lt. Surge: "Gah! Use Rollout and Self-Destruct!" Vooltrob then rolls at Flora and just flat our explodes, causing Flora to faint. "That was... fast." A little bit too fast!

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