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Mewar royal palace

A 6'2 well built bulky man was practicing sward fighting with ten of his solders at a time but the way he was fighting it looked like he was in the battle ground fighting with his enemy. He defeated all of them at once and dismissed them then a servent came with a towel and water he took the water and washed his face then wiped his face and body sweat with the towel and left from there and entered his chamber took a bath and his servent helped him in getting ready for the day suddenly a door guard came and inform him that his advisory who is also his army's general in command want to meet him  he nod at him and said  let him in. The guard left taking the order and then only his advisory, general in command and best friend surya came and greeted" good morning king " May u live long.

   King Harshavardhan pratap sing raghuvanshi laughed and said "there is no one here so no need of formality .... You are my best friend surya.

Surya nodded and said " Okh as u say but harsh i have something serious to say there are some movement at our borders in South they are disturbing the villagers and i think this is done by someone from our court as those thugs hade a letter in which they were instructed to create problems it had a royal stamp used by ministers.

Harshavardhan looked at him with a smirk on his face and said today it's going to be fun in court surya.... Let's enjoy. Surya knew there is  dangerous  plan going inside his head he just nodded and both left from there for the morning  court .

As harshavardhan reached the entrance the guard announced in his high pitched voice Maharaj Harshavardhan pratap sing raghuvanshi is entering everyone stood up hearing his name and bowed there head.

He entered and sat on his throne with the same stone face devoid of any emotion and gesture them all to sit and asked the court to proceed Surya came forward and said " There are some thugs creating problems at our border village and looting them and they are doing all these by someone's order".

King harshavardhan said. whoever is doing this please come forward as I already know the person... If you surrender yourself u will have death and if I pull you out u will ask for death but won't get it.... He looked at all his ministers but no one came forward so he signalled surya to bring the leader of the gang surya followed the order and two soilder  dragged the leader in the middle of the court he was all drenched in blood looking life less.

Harshavardhan asked him to identify the one who gave him orders and he pointed his finger toward minister shayam.....he got scared and said he is telling lie king I am not the one who asked him to do this king smiled and said you are so sure.. Minister shyam nodded his head and stand still. King harshavardhan smirked and said then what about the stamp u used on the letter and dont say u didn't because this stamp belongs to you only and u always stamp in left side as you are lefty.. You planned so much but did a silly mistake and lost it. You have a long way to learn to cheat me so do it in next life.

He asked the gaurds to took him to jail and torture him to death but dont give death to him minister shyam got scared and shouted you are heartless, a monster, no one will ever be with you.. You will die alone.

King smiled and said......yes you are right I am all these so better no one else will repeat the same deeds you did and i dont need anyone to be with me... My subjects love is enough for me. The court is dismissed and he left from there and his all day went by doing work and handling other thinks that as usual he didn't got time to have lunch and it was already dark when he finished his work .

He went to dinning area as one of the maid inform him that his family are waiting for him to have dinner. He entered and greeted his father who looked same bold and strong with little wrinkles maharaj suryabhan and his beautiful mother sitting beside his father maharani rupaa and then  to his little brother ashok and his beautiful wife and his little sister.. This was his little beautiful family his world.

His mother looked at his 30 year old elder son who is a ruthless worrier and a  great king but no one is there for him one day she and her husband will leave this world then who will look after him.. She thought this is high time for him to get married that's why she already discussed this with her husband and he agreed with her thought and decided today to talk about it. So she said harsha it's high time  you should get married you should also have someone who will wait for you, make you eat and most important care for you and love you so i dont want to haer anything I am gonna look for matches for you.

Harshavardhan looked at his  mother and said maa u know na nobody can stay with me and i dont want to turn someone life in living hell so it's better to stay alone rather than destroying someone else. His father smiled and said nothing will happen you just stop thinking so much look at your younger brother he is already married and see how happy he is  . We want you to be happy also and stop being like a robot and this is final you will get married. Harshavardhan just nodded his head and his brother and sister both said at same time that yes please get married we want our sister in law.

After there dinner all of them retired to there chamber. Harshavardhan also entered his chamber and informed his guard to not disturb he removed his crown, sword and other accessories and poured a glass of wine and started drinking getting lost in his thought.

Thank you for reading my story do vote and comment and please bear with my mistake as it's my first story.

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