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She lost the track of how many times he made her cum.. She felt tired and sleepy but still wanted more and more.. Her whole body shaked again and she again cum with his tongue... Her eyes rolled back due to the pleasure he was giving her.. He lifted his face from her thighs and they both stared in each other's eyes.

She instantly diverted her eyes feeling all shy.. " I want your eyes on me only me " He said in his husky voice and she instantly nodded her head looking at him. He licked his wet lips and came close to her mouth and said " You taste heaven a true heaven i can never get enough of you maitri  " Saying this he captured her lips and started kissing her.

He kept sucking her lips and try to enter her mouth ,which she gladly gave the access and responded back to his kiss. She tasted herself on his lips and they both kissed each other hungrily by each passing second.. She hit her fist on his chest as she was sort of breath...

Feeling her discomfort he let go of her lips and sat on his knees and stared at her... Her  long thick hair scattered everywhere , sweat beads formed on her forehead, her beautiful eyes closed, little open mouth which is red and swollen due to his kiss , her neck shoulder blade all coverd in red and purple marks which was too satisfying for him and her chest going up and down due to his heavy breathing...

She is really a goddess, he can't be more lucky than this he thought and smiled.. He bent a little pulled the string tied to the head post and instantly golden curtains fall from the above covering the whole bed.. He removed his lower and came more close to her . He spread her legs and pulled her into him.. Her whole body felt a spark ran her spine, when she felt his dick touched her wet vagina.. She looked down and her eyes widened seeing the length and thickness.. She again looked at him with big eyes and slowly said.. "It won't fit inside me "
He laughed hearing her words. He kissed her forehead and said" calm down baby it will.. Just trust me "

He groaned feeling her wet vagina touching his dick... He angled his dick on her opening and put little pressure.. Her hands  immediately  travel to the back of his neck pulling him more into her.. She felt a little pain.. He again backed off and push it again back.." Ahhh " A moan came out of her mouth. He took her one breast in his mouth and started sucking and nibbling her nipples..the pain and pleasure was too much for her to handle.

Her legs automatically crossed around his waist.. Pulling him more into her.. He pushed and entered inside her.. She shouted feeling the pain.." Ahhhh .. Pull it out rajasa ahhh it hurts " She kept shouting.."ahhmmm"her moans silenced  in his mouth as he took her both lips in his and sucked the life out of it diverting her attention from the pain.. His one hand held her face lovingly and other hand was placed around her head supporting his whole blance...

He kept kissing and rubbing her cheeks diverting her attention from the pain.. She also forgot the pain down there and kissed him passionately while pulling his hair and her legs tightened more around his waist..feeling her lost in the pleasure
He pulled back a little and pushed his half length inside her ..."mmhhhh" He groaned feeling the tightness around his dick.. Her eyes opened due to the pain she felt.. She scratched his back with her nails and tried to move... He put his little weight on her and kept kissing her to divert her and he pushed again and this time he was fully inside her...

He let go of her lips and kissed her whole face... And said in a husky voice " Shhh shhh calm down  baby relax yourself..pain will be gone .. Shhh i won't move until you say.. Shh" saying this he again kissed her face and massage her breast... Maitri felt like a tearing pain in her body.. Tears flowed from her eyes.. Harshavardhan immediately kissed her both eyes and rubbed the tears away from her eyes.. "This is the only time when i am the reason of tears in your eyes and i am letting you cry otherwise never " Saying this he again kissed her lips...

Maitri forgot the pain and kept staring and listening to his words and smiled feeling great having him as her husband.
She won't ask anything else in this lifetime.... She rubbed her hand on his arms and slowly snaked around his neck and pulled him down.. Her fingers got lost in his hair and she kept kissing him..
Harsh felt the pain as her  pussy was to tight.. Still somehow he managed to stay still inside her...

Maitri noticed the little discomfort on his face and slowly nodded her head.. Harsh understood her answer and started moving while kissing her lips... She felt the pain and as a result she scratched his arms ,shoulder, neck and back.... Those scratches were nothing for him and he kept moving back and forth slowly inside  her pussy...

Slowly the pain turned into pleasure.. She.. Spread her legs more wide and said
"Fasahhh fasterrr " Harsh held her waist with one hand and other hand held her boobs and he fastened his pace hitting the deepest part of her pussy.. He kept making love to her and they both were lost in pain and pleasure forgetting the world around them.. He fucked her in every position possible and finally let her go .. Both of them were dripping in sweat and breathing heavily.. Maitri was too tired and sleepy.... Harsh looked at her tired and breathing body which was glowing in moon light..

Harshavardhan wore his lower and removed the bedsheet as it was messed up.. Maitri fell into deep sleep... Harsh looked outside and saw it was going to be morning he again looked back at his wife and lovingly rubbed his hand on her head and said.."i finally made you mine and now i am also yours completely yours and only yours..i can never forgot this night..thank you thank you so much for being with a man like me..thank yoh for tolerating all my drama,thank you for being the perfect queen of our kingdom. You don't know this but you are my pride Maitri harshavardhan partap singh raghuvanshi " He kept thanking her and after sometime.. He get down the bed and stood in front of the mirror..
He looked at his whole body which has scratch marks on his whole upper body.. Few were on his jawline also and few hickey were also present.. He smiled having her mark on himself..

His eyes traveled to the wound on his chest which was given by maitri.. And then the cut on the palm.. Both were bleeding again.. He cleaned them with water.. And again came back on the bed..
He kissed her forehead and put his head on his waist little lower .. Which has bite marks  .. He closed his eyes and immediately sleep consumed him after all the drama which happened all day and the most beautiful and passionate night he spent with her ....


Everyone in the palace was busy running hear and there to arrange everything and make sure everything is good and perfect as per the orders as marriage functions were going on.. But two love birds were still sleeping forgetting the world and nobody dared to wake them Up after the last night announcement of the king and most important there lovingly family were not even in interested in disturbing them as they know after how long they finally met..

Both of them were still sleeping in the same position.. Just  maitri's hand was inside his hair and his hand was placed around his boobs and one around her waist holding her tight...

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