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Awadh - royal palace maitri's chamber

Maitri stirred in her sleep due to sunrays falling on her face. She opened her eyes and look at the beautiful morning... Automatically a beautiful smile appeard on her face. This is so calm and beautiful suddenly yesterday's marriage talk came in her mind and her smile fell. She was sitting about all her thoughts when maids came in her chamber and remove the curtains covering her bed as they saw there princess is already up. They started cleaning the room.

Maitri got up and get freshed and wore a beautiful blue coloured lehnga and maids help her in getting fresh and got her ready for the morning prayer. After getting ready she reached to the temple and did her prayer and greeted all the family members present there and had breakfast with them.

I have sent your marriage proposal to the match maker with a beautiful portrait of you....know I am just waiting for the good news siad her mother while everyone was eating. Beta (child) you are already old enough to get married your friends are already married except your one friend nandini her parents are also looking for good alliance to get her married so no need to worry let the things go with the follow as you always do said her father.

She just nodded her head and said I trust u all. I know you would never let anything wrong happen to me. So rest assured I don't have any problem babasa ( father) . Her family smiled at her thoughts. Everyone finished there breakfast with little chit chat and retired to do there respective work.

Maitri entered her chamber and pick a book to read but she was not able to concentrate and got lost in her own world of thoughts.

Maitri's pov

I am rajkuwari maitri princess of awadh and most pampered child of my parents but I am not spoiled as they gave me proper education of right and wrong.
I have two elder brother one of them my big brother is already married and have beautiful wife. She is more like a friend to me then my sister in law. My family is very protective of me as I am the only girl child and youngest of all.. They have never shouted on me Or raised there voice on me as I have also always followed there order but this marriage I am scared. I have always wanted someone who love me, who is scared to loose me, whose day start with me and ends with me, who care for my parents that's it. But what if I get a complete opposite and what if it doesn't work.... These thoughts only shook me to the core and I am not that beautiful also... That someone will go crazy about me.

My hight is between 5'3 to 5'4 I don't have that slim figure or fairy skin colour as most of the princess have. I am a chubby girl but not that much but i am not slim. I have big boobs and big ass that make my body look like a 25 year old but my face look like my age 20 year old women.... But everyone says I have beautiful eyes and I do except it because I have. And small lips that's it. I know sward fighting and I love to cook food and mind it I cook delicious food and I am clean freak who love to read books the romance ones.

So who will go crazy about a girl like me.. I love silence and I talk less. I don't know what future holds for me but let's see. Whatever it is let's go with the flow. Suddenly I came out of my thoughts when I heard door opening sound and I looked at the entrance there stood my head maid sobha and my friend nandini.

You know my parents are looking for groom and they want me to get married to some ministers son. I am scared maitri but I can't say no. I was discussing this with sobha also and she told me that your parents are also doing the same and u didn't deny it. Why? Asked nandini.

See nandu neither you nor I love someone and one day we have to get married so why saying no and creating problems for others right sobha....Said maitri. Yes kuwari you are right that's what I was explaining to nandini.

I just hope both of us won't get married at the same time otherwise we won't be able to attend each other's wedding . Said  nandini with sadness laced in her voice. Let's just hope for best said maitri. Three of them looked at each other with hopeful eyes.

I don't what future hold for us. Who will be my husband... What will be his nature. Radhakrishna now everything is in your hand she closed her eyes and talked to her good.

Long chapter do vote and comment and sorry for the mistakes. And do share your thoughts.

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