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Harsh was staring at her glowing face while rubbing her lips and holding her tight near him.. Maitri was shuddering and feeling this moment.. But suddenly she got a idea and opening her eyes.. She pushed him and back off few steps from him creating distance..

What happened harsh asked..dont touch me maitri instantly replied with a serious look... Harsh got shocked and asked.. Why ? Did i do anything wrong?
Did you felt uncomfortable? Tell me?
Don't you know it's a heinous crime to touch the queen of mewar.. She said with a mischievous smile.. Ohh is it soo ranisa i didn't knew it.. Harsh said with a smile.

But you already committed the crime i will immediately call the guards and they will put you behind the bars.. Maitri said being serious.... Is it so, then immediately call the guard.. He said while walking toward her .. She took a step back and said.. Such a shameless criminal you are! Don't take a step toward me.. I will immediately call the guards.. You don't know who my husband is...

Her back touched the railing and he instantly pulled her near him and captured her.. And said.. When you already gave me the honor of being shameless and then trust me right now i only want to be shameless nothing else and i am already holding you tight, call whomever you want to call if you want them to watch what i do with you..she pushed him and ran from there and sat on the middle of the terrace floor.. Breathing heavily.. Getting all red and shy

He walke toward her all smiling and sat right beside her and slowly pulled her near him.. His left hand was on the floor supporting his body and with right hand
He was holding her left arm.. Maitri slowly supported her back on his front and got more closer to him but she was still breathing fast... He slowly sifted little back.. And ran his right hand fingers on her neck sensually... She instantly closed her eyes feeling his fingers doing magic on her neck ...

What happened you were going to call your husband.. Call him but first answer him that what are you doing her with me.. Leaving the function? That also in this place in front of his chamber and specially in this condition.. Without covering your body only in these jewellery blouse and your lehnga? Saying this he pulled the hair pin and her bun open  up letting her hair free completely .. He suddenly pulled the first string holding her blouse and again asked.....What happened answer me ?

She instantly turned around and hugged him tight.. While holding her tight she kept rubbing her right side of face to his left side.. He closed his eyes feeling her effect all over his body.. In return he kissed her cheeck ,neck and shoulder .. She stopped feeling his lips on her neck and shoulder.. She tilted her head and give more access to him..holding his shoulder tight.. He slowly slowly layed her down while kissing and marking her neck all red and purple...

Ummm.. She moaned closing her eyes feeling the same pain and pleasure after that night which was months ago.. Which felt like years to her.. He kissed her forehead and removed her headpiece.. She closed her eyes feeling every moment... When she didn't felt any movement for few minutes.. She opened her eyes and saw him staring at her face by balancing his know now you look exactly the same maitri i left months ago in this palace on that night..
This heavy breathing.. This calmness with little anxiousness makes you perfect and my most important this red blush on your face which is all due to my actions..

This is my favorite version of maitri.. This is what is only for me ... This shade of your makes me go crazy.. You don't have any idea how insane you make me.
She instantly turn her head getting shy at that moment only he removed her left earring.. She bite her lips hard.. He held her chin and make her turn toward him and removed her other earring.. Keeping them aside he slowly removed her lip from her teeth and said.. Don't torture them. That's my job to do and trust me i don't like if someone else do my job..

Saying this he rubbed her lips resulting her lipstick to ruined.. Words maitri.. Words... He asked when he didn't got any response from her.. Ye.. Yes she replied meekly.. Hearing her yes he kissed right near her lips and slowly went down till her neck and removed her neck pieces..
Only one long pearl necklace was there which reached till the lower portion of her chest ... He ran his finger from her neck till the end of that perl necklace...

He hooked his finger in the pearl necklace and said... I want to pull it and break it.. Nooo maitri replied.. But why i can get you more.. He immediately answered  .. But why you want to break it.. She questioned back.. Because i love the way these pearls bounce on your skin.. Which i already did by breaking your pearl waist chain ..he answered and applied little force on the necklace ...Butt
Before she could say anything he already pulled it hard resulting in breaking the necklace and within a instant those pearls fall on the ground  by bouncing on her skin....

Then he slowly kissed her navel by bringing her attention back to him.. And said eyes on me when i am right in front of you.. Saying this he pulled her waist chain also and broke it...all those pearls scattered all over the places.. He looked at her taking every feature of her.. That big nose pin in her nose.... Smudged  lipstick.. Empty neck, little deep blouse .. Giving a perfect view of her clevage... Hands filled with bangles and that open long hair scattered everywhere making her look like a pure goddess.. Which came just to seduce her without her own knowledge.. His Seductress

I want this bangle ,nose ring and anklet to be on you... So when i fuck you deep and rough they would keep reminding you.. That what's happening with you..
Understood... He asked .yess she answered  Looking in his eyes.. I want you to be your true self.. When i do things to you and tonight first i will make love to you and then i will fuck you raw and rough... He said.. She slowly moved her hand on his arms and taking it up she circled her hand around his neck and said right now i want both desperately.. Specially the second one..

He immediately picked her in his arms and started walking toward the chamber.. .what about my clothes and jewellery over there..i didn't picked those up.she said,ranisaa we have servants for that,for now listen to me......Today is your first time that's why i didn't take you right there.. But i will fuck you mind it " I will fuck you " On that place..she hide her face in his neck and he entered his chamber holding her tight and close to himself...

Do read vote and comment.. It means allot enjoy reading and ya.. Update for you guys.. I know you didn't expected a update this soon but see you got one
. So read and enjoy bye bye

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