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maitri stirred in her sleep and she felt a weight on her stomach. She slowly looked down and saw harsh was sleeping on her stomach, holding her boobs and waist.. Seeing him like that..she smiled and stared at him lovingly.. Her hands got lost in his thick long black hair's.. She closed her eyes feeling the most happiest girl.. Isn't it the most awaited moment of her life.. These few months felt like years to her.. She knows being a queen, she need to be habituated of him going to wars and coming after months and years

But still the lover inside her, the wife inside her is still not ready to accept this.
But yesterday night was the most beautiful moment of her life.. She can still feel him doing all those things to her.
Maitri was lost in her thoughts with closed eyes and she unintentionally pulled his hair.. Due to which he woke up..

He opened his eyes and saw maitri's eyes closed but she had a beautiful smile on her face.. He suddenly got an idea looking at her like that.. He pressed her boob.. The one he was holding while sleeping.. He again pressed her boobs and pinched her nipple...." Ahhhh " A moan escape her lips and she bite her lips.. Maitri thought she is feeling due to her thoughts of yesterday night...

Harsh got up while pressing her boobs and came beside her ear and said " Maitri I want to eat " In a husky voice.. Maitri instantly opened her eyes hearing his voice and she came face to face with him.. She was schocked seeing him right in front of her face.. There was a inch gap between there lips.. "Please" He uttered again.. She shake her head as no and there lips rubbed . . They closed there eyes feeling each other's lips..

He kissed her lips and pinched her nipples..a moan came from her mouth which was silenced by his intense kiss.. Not even letting her breath.. She held his hairs and pulled them due to the pleasure he was giving her.. The kissed each other forgetting the world..

He left her lips and went down rubbing and sucking the already red and purple skin of her neck and clevage.. He lift his head and looked at her face and said.... " Eyes on me maitri " .. Saying this he went down and lift her skirt till her waist and said " Spread your legs " In an authorative voice.. Her body shiverd at the tone of his voice.. She slowly spread her legs following his order..

His eyes turn dark seeing her following his words.. And the view in front of him
Make him groan.. " Fuckk" Her white thighs had his finger prints and red, purple bite marks and that swollen pussy was an add on the view... He slowly put his hand on her swollen pussy and asked " Does it hurt " Maitri closed her eyes feeling his rough fingers on her pussy.. Only she knows how badly she want him.

" Maitri eyes on me.. And I asked you something..?? Does it hurtt "  He again asked more like a order.. She slowly looked at him and nodded his heard.. He parted her pussy lips and rubbed her already wet pussy.. Her whole body vibrated due to his touch.. " Ler it hurt..
Will you let it hurt maitri " She nodded her head and said "  ye.. Ahhh yesss " He moved his fingers faster hearing her words...

Maitri didn't knew what he was saying.. Her head went blank.. She only knew he shouldn't stop his actions on her.. He fastened his pace.. Maitri arched her back as she felt a knot building in her lower region.. " Spread your legs wider.. Let me watch you maitri " Harsh said and maitri instantly did as per his order..
" Ummmmm " Maitri moaned.. Ahhh... Ahhhhhhh she cumed on his hand feeling weak and dizzy....

He took his fingers and sucked them looking right in her eyes... She closed her eyes feeling happy nad shy... She was still breathing heavy due to her orgasam.. But he put his mouth on her pussy and sucked the left over cum.. He slowly gave a long lick... On her pussy . . Maitri held his hair and pulled him more into her...

He pushed his toungue inside her pussy and started fucking her with his toungue.
Resulting in one more toe Cuirling orgasam of her making her completely blank and him satisfied seeing her like that.. He wanted to fuck her but he let her goo thinking .. She is already exhausted too much.. Maitri instantly felt asleep..

He laid beside her and patted her head to sleep.. Maitri also got more close to him and slept.. He held her tight and kept staring at her beautiful face.." Thank you for everything, thank you for comming in my life and accepting me.. Thank you so much maitri.. He was thinking all these and didn't knew when time went by.. It was nearly afternoon... And both of them were still on bed in there messed up state.. One was sleeping and other was lost in his thoughts about his beautiful wife..

Maitri woke up and felt a hand on her head.. She looked up and saw harsh patting her head while staring at her.. They both smiled at each other and maitri stood up to sit but she felt pain down there.. But avoided it and said..i will get fresh and bring you your breakfast till then you should also get changed...

Harsh laughed hearing her words and said.. "Ranisaa it's already afternoon.. If I am not wrong this is our lunch time.. "
Maitri looked at him with big eyes and looked behind him and saw sun is shining bright and he is right... " Ohh God what everyone will think that I am still in room with you.. Its already afternoon that means after sometimes haldi ceremony will start and we didn't even stepped out of the bed .. Ohh God no one will say anything to you but how will I face others.. Ohh God I am really an idiot "  Maitri tried to stand up while talking nonstop.. But the moment she stood she again fell back and harsh hold her tight..
"Ohh God I can't feel my legs " 

Harsh climbed down of bed lift her up in his arms and step down the stairs and said.." Maitri it's okh.... You are with me your husband not an outsider and nobody can say anything to you also.. You are the queen remember that.. And about your legs.. Umm credit goes to me baby.. I am such a skilled person.. "

Maitri hid her face in his chest and he laughed loud.. Harsh took her to bathing area and help her to get fresh.. The both got fresh with lots of teasing, laughter and kisses.. They came and changed into fresh new clothes.. Maitri wore a bright yellow colour lehnga and matching jewellery.. He helped her to get ready while she was complaining for the marks he left all over her neck , shoulder and clevage..

Maitri somehow covered herself and there was a beautiful glow on her face which was all due to him.. Thank you soo much maitri.. Thank you soo much for everything.. He kissed her once again with the same intense and passion...

Finally they both stepped out of there chamber and went down.. All the guards and guest bowed to them..maitri and harsh were politely responding to them.
Harsh slowly held the corner of her dupatta and hooked in his finger without anybody's notice...

Soon both of them were in the inner garden were all the guests and family were present.. Both of them wished there parents and they blessed them seeing both of them happy together and the glow on maitri's face didn't go unnoticed by anyone...maitri came near chanda and suinana both of them gave her teasing look.." Choti bhabhisa look like someone had a great  ,passionate and long night "
Suinana smiled and said " Not only night nandsa even morning and day " .. They both laughed maitri felt soo shy.. "Shut up both of you. All rubish you guys are saying " .. "All rubish then what about these marks " They both said together

Maitri instantly coverd herself.. " No need to cover let people know how important you are for bhaisa "  Chanda said and suinana nodded.. "But it was a great night isn't it.. " Suinana again said..
" Look who is saying.. The one without whom ashok bhaisa goo crazy and even you are carring proof " Maitri teased back and suinana instantly turned red and looked down.." And you miss bride wait for tonight when you won't even get a blink of sleep " Maitri teased chanda..
Suinana also joined and said " Then you will also have a long passionate and intense night nanadsaa " ... This is too bad you both ganged up against me chanda said getting all red...

Three of them were laughing and enjoying together.. And males of the family were happy seeing them like this..
Within few minutes haldi ceremony started and everyone started putting haldi on chanda with lots of blesseing.. But two brother were getting too bad ideas while looking at the Carefree self of there wifes....

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Bye.. Bye

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